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50 Greatest Mathematicians Of The World


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Author Rajesh Kumar Thakur
  • ISBN : 9788184302158
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 2018
  • ...more
  • Kindle Store

More Information

  • Rajesh Kumar Thakur
  • 9788184302158
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 2018
  • 2020
  • 144
  • Hard Cover
  • 400 Grams


"Mathematics is considered the most dreaded subject. However it is extremely interesting and one should read about it. Had this subject not been interesting then some of the great physicist, doctors, lawyers, poets, story writers, etc., in their later life would not have turned to study it and made great discoveries in the field of mathematics. While mathematics itself may be a form idable subject for many, the lives and accomplishments of history’s greatest mathematicians are fascinating. This book is intended for people interested to know the heroic journey of those great mathematicians who have made important contribution to mathematics, through their ideaes, teaching or in other ways. The main emphasis is on their work and achievement in the field of mathematics.
I hope this book will serve adual purpose: firstly help students realize mathematics is not to be dreaded but helpful in achieving in other subjects; secondly help those who hate the subject respect it."

The Author

Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Rajesh Kumar Thakur, a postgraduate in three diverse subjects Maths, Operation Research and Education, is a mathematics teacher, engaged in freelance writing for science magazines since 2003. Hundreds’ of his mathematical articles and essays have been published in different magazines and newspapers all over India. He has so far written 24 books on mathematics. Associated with well-known mathematical societies and clubs, the charm of numbers fascinates him so much that he is now actively working with different schools to make Vedic Mathematics popular among young kids by organising free seminars. So far more than 180 such Seminars have been conducted by him. The All India Ramanujan Mathematics Club has honoured him as National Best Teacher Award. He has also received the certificate of appreciation in 5th IYMC 2012. He has delivered many mathematical talks on All India :

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