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A Constructive Parliamentarian   


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Author Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • ISBN : 9788184301182
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • 9788184301182
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2016
  • 507
  • Hard Cover


Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has dedicated over sixty years of his life in service of the country. He served the country as member of Parliament for five decades and as Prime Minister of India for six years. He is an orator par excellence, whose speeches are listened with attention by friends and foes inside and outside Parliament. He used the Parliament as an educational forum as well as political weapon and enhanced the prestige of parliamentary institution. He did not mince words when criticism is due or warning necessary. But his criticism has not hurt his opponents. His sharp intellect and wit is almost tailor-made for parliamentary debate. Shri Vajpayee often rises above party politics and gives primacy to national interest over political consideration, and he always appreciated well taken Opposition point of view.

As a Prime Minister he also proved to be an achiever par excellence. He gave nuclear dimension to India’s military power without fear of sanctions but also established close friendly relations with President Clinton of the U.S. and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan. Even after the Kargil betrayal he extended the hand of friendship to General Musharaf and took steps to establish cordial relations with China and other neighbours in tune with his words “I can change history but not geography”. His domestic achievements were starting highway quadrangle with rural road connectivity, Chandrayan programme, linking rivers to solve irrigation and flood problems, cheap and speedy communi-cation system and establishing ‘Sagar Mala’ to connect 4000 kms. of coast-line. He made India a food grain exporter, a major out-sourcing country and enriched the country with over billion dollar foreign exchange reserves.

However his constructive role as a Parliamentarian is hidden in the documents of Parliament and is not so well-known. He introduced 22 Bills in all including 20 when in opposition of which nine were Constitutional Amendment Bills and 2 when he was the Foreign Minister of India. They show his painstaking exercise in strengthening the democratic foundation of our country, his deep concern for health and welfare of the people, faith in independence of judiciary, taming money power in elections and above all human touch towards weak and handicapped people. The fact that some Bills were accepted or rejected or could not come for discussion and lapsed because of dissolution of Parliament is of little significance.



Foreword by L.K. Advani  — Pgs. V

Introduction  — Pgs. IX



1. Appointment of the Senior-Most Judge as the

Chief Justice of India  — Pgs. 3

2. Judicial Collegiums  — Pgs. 112

3. Referendum to Amend Fundamental Rights  — Pgs. 118

4. Safeguards Regarding Death Punishment  — Pgs. 121

5. Censoring of Telegrams   — Pgs. 163

6. Censoring of Posts  — Pgs. 166



7. Three-Member Impartial Election Commission  — Pgs. 215

8. One-Third Reservation for Women  — Pgs. 219

9. Curbing Influence of Money Power  — Pgs. 225

10. Prohibition on Companies for Political Donations   — Pgs. 230

11. Prohibition of Vehicles on Election Day  — Pgs. 324



12. Employment of Blind Persons  — Pgs. 329

13. Adulteration of Edible Oils  — Pgs. 338

14. Periodic Review of Pension  — Pgs. 416

15. Trusteeship in Industry  — Pgs. 420

16. Speedy Issuance of Passports  — Pgs. 427

17. Inclusion of Sindhi Language in the Constitution  — Pgs. 432



18. Abolition of Article 370 Regarding Jammu & Kashmir  — Pgs. 445

19. Minister’s Liability for Corruption  — Pgs. 476

20. Apartheid – Crime Against Humanity  — Pgs. 478

Annexure : The Best Parliamentarian Award 1994  — Pgs. 483

Index  — Pgs. 499

The Author

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Shri Atal Bihari Vajapyee has been a patriotic social activist since early childhood, when the country was still under British colonial rule. He started writing poetry during school days. He has always been a poet at heart keeping social sensitivity. He develops intimate relationship with fellow human beings and the nation with intense feelings which find expression in his poetry. He is a critically acclaimed poet. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has been an influence on the Indian society. He, as an illustrious parliamentarian and an intellectual with deep understanding on national and international affairs has been an active participant in shaping India’s post-Independence–domestic and foreign policies. He commands respect for his liberal worldview and commitment to democratic ideals.

He was Prime Minister of India through three democratic mandates. Arvind Shah is a poet, translator and a children’s writer. His publications include children’s books, poems and translations. His translations represent the sentiments of the poet.

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