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A Latest Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (Paperback)   


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Author Rajesh Kumar Thakur
  • ISBN : 9789352667468
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : Ist
  • ...more

More Information

  • Rajesh Kumar Thakur
  • 9789352667468
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • Ist
  • 2018
  • 496
  • Soft Cover
  • 500 Grams


This book gives crystal-clear concepts covering all the topics related to reasoning and general intelligence. The book is divided into three sections with various questions that are asked in today’s competitive examinations. Quicker techniques are used to solve the questions. Moreover, at the end of the book, 5 practice papers with solutions are also provided. All these make the book a valuable resource to achieve success in various competitive examinations.


Section 1: Usual Reasoning/General Intelligence
1. Series—3 24. Assertion and Reason—316
2. Test of Analogy—16 25. Situation-Reaction Test—323
3. Classification and Odd Pairs—30 26. Verification of Truth of the Statement—331
4. Coding-Decoding—43 27. Miscellaneous Logics—335
5. Blood Relation—61 Section 3: Non-Verbal Reasoning
6. Direction Based Test—78 28. Series—345
7. Sitting Arrangement—106 29. Analogy—353
8. Puzzle and Complex Arrangement—126 30. Classification—358
9. Sequential Tracing of Input and Output—145 31. Rule Detection—364
10. Alphabet Test and Dictionary—160 32. Identical Figures—368
11. Ranking—172 33. Water and Mirror Image—378
12. Mathematical Inequalities—185 34. Paper Folding and Cutting—386
13. Finding the Missing Characters—196 35. Hidden and Embedded Figure—393
14. Clock and Calendar—203 36. Squares and Triangles—399
15. Data Sufficiency—213 37. Figure Matrix—405
16. Venn Diagram—226 38. Figure Formation and Analysis—413
Section 2: Logical Reasoning 39. Brick Test—418
17. Syllogism—237 40. Cubes and Dice—424
18. Statement and Argument—248 41. Analytical Reasoning—433
19. Statement and Assumptions—263 Practice Papers
20. Statement and Course of Action—272 Practice Paper – 1—445
21. Deriving the Conclusion from Given Passage—283 Practice Paper – 2—455
22. Statement and Conclusion—294 Practice Paper – 3—463
23. Decision Making—304 Practice Paper – 4—473
  Practice Paper – 5—482

The Author

Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Rajesh Kumar Thakur, a postgraduate in three diverse subjects Maths, Operation Research and Education, is a mathematics teacher, engaged in freelance writing for science magazines since 2003. Hundreds’ of his mathematical articles and essays have been published in different magazines and newspapers all over India. He has so far written 24 books on mathematics. Associated with well-known mathematical societies and clubs, the charm of numbers fascinates him so much that he is now actively working with different schools to make Vedic Mathematics popular among young kids by organising free seminars. So far more than 180 such Seminars have been conducted by him. The All India Ramanujan Mathematics Club has honoured him as National Best Teacher Award. He has also received the certificate of appreciation in 5th IYMC 2012. He has delivered many mathematical talks on All India :

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