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A Tale of Two Drops   


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Author Dr. Harsh Vardhan
  • ISBN : 9788184305197
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1
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  • Dr. Harsh Vardhan
  • 9788184305197
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1
  • 2019
  • 218
  • Hard Cover


‘A Tale of Two Drops’ is an interesting and inspiring story of a trendsetting campaign for polio eradication in Delhi which became a model for the rest of the country to follow. In fact, it can be adopted as a model for the battle against any wide-spread disease in the developing world. The book should interest medical professionals, health authorities and non-government organisations engaged in public cause campaigns.
It makes an interesting reading how individuals and organisations in diverse fields—religion, sports, films, art and culture, social service and even politics—were motivated and activised to participate in the movement. Innovative and imaginative methods were used, old traditional practices and modern management methods were simultaneously used to achieve quick and effective results.
In brief, it is a guide for policy planners and health workers and an insight in a public campaign which will interest a general reader.

The children of the world shall remain indebted to all involved in global efforts for eradication of poliomyelitis throughout their lives but we should not forget that as long as a single child remains infected anywhere in the world, children in all countries are at risk of contracting polio. The news that in 2009-2010, 23 previously polio free countries were re-infected due to imports of the virus should be an eye opener for everyone involved in these gigantic efforts and should motivate us enough to take the last of the last few steps of polio eradication initiative with thorough caution. Let us once again take a pledge in 2017 to revive the national spirit of the year 1995 to fight other diseases now like polio and unite again to develop health as a big social movement in the country. If we can ensure ‘Health for all’ we can ensure a better and stronger future for our country too. We have made history again after small pox eradication. This is now every countrymen’s chance to make history for achieving health for all. Let us not allow it to slip away.

The Author

Dr. Harsh Vardhan

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