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ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY : A Central University but Why No Reservation to SC, ST and OBC?   


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Author Ishwar Sharan Vishwakarma , Rajkumar Falwaria
  • ISBN : 9789351869849
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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  • Kindle Store

More Information

  • Ishwar Sharan Vishwakarma , Rajkumar Falwaria
  • 9789351869849
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2018
  • 112
  • Soft Cover


Aligarh Muslim University is among the prestigious Central University of our nation but unfortunately there has been a never ending controversy over its minority characteristic right from its establishment till date In fact, right from its very establishment it has always been considered as a Central University by the Constituent Assembly, Parliament as well as the Judiciary; Apart from this, even its founders too always accepted the fact that the University is open to the people of all the section and religion of the nation One of the object of this booklet is also that because Aligarh Muslim University is the national heritage of our nation ie India, therefore because of the fact that it is a Central University SC/ST/OBCs should get reservation under the National Reservation Policy in the University This University must have a vital role in nation building and social justice
Reservation to SC/ST/OBCs is provided in all the Central Universities and it should also be given in the Aligarh Muslim University This is the ultimate object of this book


The Author

Ishwar Sharan Vishwakarma

Dr Ishwar Sharan Vishvakarma (07051958) is a senior professor in Deendayal Upadhyay University Gorakhpur, Ancient History of Gorakhpur, Archeological and Sanskrit department He is a historian and an avid scholar in the field of higher education He is also a member of Indian Council of Historical Research, Government of India

Rajkumar Falwaria

Professor Rajkumar Falwaria has been teaching in Satyawati Mahavidyalayala (evening) and PGDAV (evening) in the Delhi University for past 14 years Presently, he is a professor of political science in Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College of the Delhi University He is a thinker and has special concern for Dalits and the Society

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