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K. R. Malkani

K. R. Malkani

Birth: Hyderabad Sindh, November 19, 1921.
Education: M.A. , in Economics & Politics, Bombay University (D.G. National College, Hyderabad Sindh, Fergusson College, Pune, School of Economics & Sociology, Bombay); joined RSS 1941.
Lecturer D.G. National College 1945-47, sub-Editor, Hindustan Times 1948; Editor, The Organiser Weekly 1948-1983; Editor, The Motherland Daily 1971-75; MISA Detenu: June1975-March 1977. Nieman fellow, Harvard University 1961-62; General Secretary, Editors Guild of India 1978-79; Member, Press Delegation to China 1978; Vice-Chairman, Deendayal Res¬earch Institute, Delhi 1983-91; Vice President, BJP, 1991-1994; Member, Rajya Sabha 1994-2000. Currently Lt Governor of Pondicherry.
Publications:The Midnight Knock'(1977), The RSS Story' (1980), The Sindh Story' (1984), 'Ayodhya and Hindu-Muslim Relations'(1993).