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Colonialism in India   


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Author Ram Chandra Pradhan
  • ISBN : 9789352664320
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1
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  • Ram Chandra Pradhan
  • 9789352664320
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1
  • 2018
  • 280
  • Hard Cover


Colonialism in India primarily delineates the process of the British occupation of India and its long-term impact on the various aspects of our national life. For a better understanding of the issues involved, it starts with introductory essays on some of the theoretical concepts like capitalism, colonialism, neo-imperialism, post-colonialism and nationalism. It is based on the authors’s life-long engagement both in terms of research  and teaching. It marks a departure from the usual history books as its approach is inter-disciplinary. To that end, it adopts a thematic rather than a chronological order.
It is basically designed as a textbook for both undergraduate and postgraduate students including those of Political Science and History. It is based on new and updated sources and marked by lucidity and felicity of linguistic style. Besides, it is free from ideology-based debunking and wooly sentimentalism. The book would prove useful to students of Political Science and History, civil service examinees and even for the general readers.




Part I Some Theoretical Concepts

1. Capitalism: An Introduction3

2. Imperialism and Colonialism: An Overview19

3. Theories of Imperialism: An Evaluation31

4. Neo-colonialism47

5. Post-colonialism/Postcolonialism?55

6. Nationalism65

7. Historiography of Colonialism and Nationalism in India78

Part II Different Aspects of the British Challenge

8. British Occupation of India: An Overview97

9. British Rule and Indian Agriculture125

10. British Rule and Indian Industries135

11. Evolution of Educational Policy in Colonial India147

12. Constitutional Development in India During British Colonial Rule160

13. The Nature and Structure of the Indian Society: Different Stages of Colonial Enquiry174

Part III Indian Response to the British Challenge

14. Peasant and Tribal Rebellions During Colonial Period195

15. The Great Rebellion of 1857207

16. Socio-Religious Reform Movements During Nineteenth Century220

17. Gender Issues in Nineteenth Century Colonial Era232

18. Emergence of Indian Nationalism: The Historical Backdrop242

19.British Colonial Rule in India – An Evaluation249

Chronology of Major Events from ad 1600 to 1947256

Select Bibliography259


The Author

Ram Chandra Pradhan

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