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Commentary on the Constitution of India   


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Author PK Agrawal , K.N. Chaturvedi
  • ISBN : 9789386231765
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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More Information

  • PK Agrawal , K.N. Chaturvedi
  • 9789386231765
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2024
  • 496
  • Hard Cover
  • 450 Grams


This book has been prepared jointly by Dr. PK. Agrawal and Dr. K.N. Chaturvedi. The major part of the book has been authored by Dr. P.K. Agrawal. Dr. K.N. Chaturvedi has authored chapters on the Interpretation of the Constitution, Legislature, Judiciary, Elections, Directive Principles and on the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir and on the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution.

The book is arranged Article-wise and references have been given at the end of each chapter. As almost each Article of the Constitution has been judicially interpreted, the meaning deter- mined by the judiciary has been explained along with the citation of the case.

The bulk of the book has been kept moderate and essential information under each Article has been provided. To err is human and authors jointly own the responsibility for any error factual or otherwise.



Introduction Pgs—5

1. Preamble Pgs—11

2. India and its Territory Pgs—13

3. Citizenship Pgs—16

4. Fundamental Rights Pgs—20

5. Directive Principles of State Policy Pgs—68

6. The Executive Pgs—85

(A)  Union Executive Pgs—85

(B)  State Executive Pgs—110

7. The Legislature Pgs—121

(A) Parliament Pgs—122

(B) State Legislatures Pgs—153

8. The Judiciary Pgs—159

(A) The Supreme Court  Pgs—159

(B) High Courts Pgs—185

(C) Subordinate Courts Pgs—198

9. The Union Territories Pgs—203

10. The Panchayats, The Municipalities and The Pgs—Cooperative Societies Pgs—212

11. The Scheduled Tribal Areas Pgs—255

12. Relations Between the Union and the States Pgs—259

(A) Legislative Relations Pgs—259

(B)  Administrative Relations Pgs—270

13. Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits Pgs—278

14. Trade, Commerce and Intercourse Pgs—309

15. Services Under the Union and the States Pgs—315

16. Elections Pgs—340

17. Special Provisions Relating to Certain Classes Pgs—351

18. Official Language Pgs—367

19. Emergency Provisions Pgs—378

20. Amendment of the Constitution Pgs—397

21. Miscellaneous Provisions Pgs—404

22. Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions Pgs—421

23. Short Title, Commencement, Authoritative Text in Pgs—Hindi and Repeals Pgs—448

24. Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir Pgs—451

25. Sixth Schedule Pgs—462

26. The Constitutional Amendment Acts Pgs—466

Bibliography Pgs—482

Index Pgs—484


The Author

PK Agrawal

Dr. P.K.Agrawal is a gold medalist in Law and D. Phil. from Allahabad University, LL.M. from Calcutta University and M.B.A. from IGNOU, New Delhi.

Dr. Agrawal belongs to I.A.S., 1976 batch of West Bengal Cadre and retired as Addl. Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal after serving for ten years in the Central Government and for twenty-four years in West Bengal Government. Earlier, Dr.

Agrawal served in the Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax), U.P. Civil Service (Sales Tax Officer) and as lecturer in Law.

Dr. Agrawal has about sixty-five books to his credit, including twenty books in English. He is a prominent writer of fiction in Hindi.

After retirement, Dr. Agrawal worked as partner for more than eight years in law firms at New Delhi.

K.N. Chaturvedi

Dr. K.N. Chaturvedi obtained his degree in law (LL.B.) and Masters in Law (LL.M.) from the University of Allahabad. Before joining Indian Legal Service in 1988, he was Reader in the PostGraduate Department of Law University of Pune and Lecturer in the University of Kurukshetra and University of Allahabad.
Dr. Chaturvedi did his doctoral work on ‘Taxation of Charitable Trust’ from the University of Kurukshetra, Haryana.
As a member of the Indian Legal Service, Dr. Chaturvedi joined the Legislative Department of Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India in 1988. 
He became MemberSecretary Law Commission of India (October 2003 to March 2006) 
and thereafter Secretary, Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India from April 2006 to December 2007.
He was associated with lawmaking and legaldrafting at the highest level.


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