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Essays For R.A.S. Mains Examination (PB)   


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Author R.P. Tomar
  • ISBN : 9789353221270
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
  • ...more

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  • R.P. Tomar
  • 9789353221270
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2019
  • 392
  • Soft Cover



Preface —Pgs.iii

Part I: Understanding Essay Writing at its Best

Introduction —Pgs.3

Tools and Techniques —Pgs.7

Types and Formats —Pgs.10

Selected Ideal Essay Topics —Pgs.19

Topic 1: Efficient and Smart City: A New World —Pgs.19

Topic 2: Globalisation: A Blessing or a Curse for a Developing Country? —Pgs.23

Topic 3: Make in India: A Giant’s Step to Promote Manufacturing —Pgs.29

Topic 4: Sustainable Development during Climate Change —Pgs.36

Topic 5: Judicial Activism: Hope of Justice for the Underprivileged Section —Pgs.42

Topic 6: Empowerment of Women in India —Pgs.47

KSA and its Importance in the USA —Pgs.54

Essay Writing —Pgs.56

Strategy for Writing Excellent Essays —Pgs.58

Easy Way to Write an Essay —Pgs.62

How to Write an Excellent Introduction and Conclusion —Pgs.64

Guidelines for Writing Appropriate Essays —Pgs.66

Do’s and Don’ts —Pgs.70

Part II: Sample Essays in all Subject Areas for RAS Examination

Essays on Social Issues —Pgs.77

Tackling Hunger Globally is Need of the Hour —Pgs.77

Closely Knit Families Are Being Replaced by Nuclear Families —Pgs.78

Justice Must Reach the Poor —Pgs.79

Crime Would Reduce with Harsher Punishments or Moral Teachings: Do You Agree? —Pgs.81

Role of NGOs in India’s Development —Pgs.82

Secularism Opposes All Forms of Inter-Religious Supremacy —Pgs.84

Labour Issues in India —Pgs.87

Essays on Economic Issues —Pgs.90

Impacts of Demonetisation —Pgs.90

NPAs: The Bane of Indian Banking Sector —Pgs.92

Impact of Oil Prices in World Politics and Indian Economy —Pgs.95

Electrification of Rural India to Reduce Energy Poverty is Need of the Hour —Pgs.97

Miseries of Contract Labour —Pgs.99

Are MNCs Harmful to the Economic Development of a Country? —Pgs.101

Globalisation and Its Impact on Indian Culture —Pgs.102

Sustained Economic Development: Role of Ecology and Environment —Pgs.105

Should Rich Countries Provide Loans to Poor Countries without any Interest? —Pgs.108

Our Traditional Handicrafts Are Doomed to a Slow Death: A Comment —Pgs.110

Essays on Political Issues —Pgs.113

Judicial Activism and Indian Democracy —Pgs.113

Judiciary vs. Executive: A Conflict in Appointment of Judges —Pgs.118

Balochistan: Carrot-and-Stick Policy or Simply a New Paradigm Shift in Indo-Pak Relations —Pgs.121

Article 356: Use and Misuse —Pgs.123

Section 377 of IPC and its Constitutionality —Pgs.126

Status of Democracy in India —Pgs.128

Social Activism Is a Key to Survival of Indian Democracy —Pgs.130

Indian Judicial System —Pgs.132

Achievements of UN over Past 70 Years, its Relevance and Needed Reforms —Pgs.134

Interrelationship of Good Fences with Good Neighbours —Pgs.136

Importance of India in Promoting ASEAN Cooperation —Pgs.138

India-Africa Relations: The New Dynamics —Pgs.140

Essays on Science and Technology —Pgs.143

The Work and Work Culture Have Changed with the Emergence of Information Technology —Pgs.143

Machine Translation Is Slower and Less Accurate than Human Translation —Pgs.144

Genetic Engineering has more Negative Impacts than Positive —Pgs.145

Concept of Cloning Human Beings for Replacement of Body Parts: Scary but Not Fiction —Pgs.146

Human or Technical Intelligence: Which has more Importance in Combating Terrorism? —Pgs.147

Advancement of Science versus Erosion of Human Values —Pgs.149

Lure of Space: Unveiling the Obscure —Pgs.153

Cyber World: An Illusion —Pgs.156

Mars Orbiter Mission —Pgs.159

Essays on Health and Medical Issues —Pgs.162

Sedentary Lifestyle: The Cause of Health Problems —Pgs.162

Stress: A Major Concern of the World —Pgs.163

Passive Smoking Harms More —Pgs.164

Essays on Ethical and Moral Principles —Pgs.166

Discipline is Success, Anarchy is Ruin —Pgs.166

The Paths of Glory Lead but to the Grave —Pgs.169

There is Nothing Either Good or Bad, but Thinking Makes it so —Pgs.170

Tolerance of Dissent is the Base of Democracy —Pgs.174

A Man is the Product of his Thoughts; what he Thinks, he Becomes —Pgs.178

I Object to the Violence Because When it Appears to Do Good, the Good is Only Temporary; the Evil it Does is Permanent —Pgs.181

The Weak can Never Forgive, Forgiveness is the Attribute of the Strong —Pgs.183

Being You —Pgs.185

Faith versus Reason —Pgs.186

Your Identity is Your Attitude —Pgs.187

Corporate Governance in India —Pgs.188

Essays on Educational Issues —Pgs.190

India’s Contribution to World Wisdom —Pgs.190

The Building Blocks of Our Society are Paid Peanuts —Pgs.191

Technological Education and Human Values —Pgs.192

Formal Examinations versus Regular Assessment with Projects —Pgs.195

Credit-Based Higher Education System—Status, Opportunities and Challenges —Pgs.195

India Must Delink Classroom Teaching from Student Learning —Pgs.197

Philosophical, Religious and Spiritual Essays —Pgs.199

If Youth Knew, if Age Could —Pgs.199

True Religion Cannot be Misused —Pgs.201

Science and Religion —Pgs.203

Eastern Religions and Western Philosophy —Pgs.206

History Changes but Not Geography —Pgs.207

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in Harmony —Pgs.209

Love in a Glass Jar —Pgs.211

Essays on Cultural Topics —Pgs.213

Customs and Traditions of Indian Culture —Pgs.213

A Problem of India: Lacking Toilets —Pgs.216

India and China: The Management of Cross-culture —Pgs.217

Challenging Cultural Values Affecting Food Security in India —Pgs.221

Does Indian Cinema Shape our Popular Culture or Merely Reflect it? —Pgs.221

Advancement of Civilisation versus Cultural Declination —Pgs.223

Mass Media versus Cultural Invasion —Pgs.225

Being Proud to be Indians —Pgs.228

The Culture of the Younger Generation —Pgs.230

The Composite Culture of India is Captivating —Pgs.233

Essays on Environmental, Geographical, and Disaster Management Topics —Pgs.236

Animals Deserve the Same Treatments as Human Beings —Pgs.236

Rain Forests Have Vital Role in the Ecosystem of the Earth —Pgs.237

Nature and Climate Change —Pgs.238

Do you agree that ‘To Keep Ganga Clean, Puja should be Performed on the Bank of the River’? —Pgs.239

Deforestation: A Road to Self-destruction —Pgs.241

Climate Change: A Concern —Pgs.242

Green Bond: A New Financial Tool —Pgs.244

Effects of Uneven Distribution of Monsoon on Indian Economy —Pgs.246

Essays on Administration and Governance Issues —Pgs.248

Government should not Invest in Arts and Heritage, this Investment should be Made in Public Services—Do you agree? —Pgs.248

Transparency in Public Administration —Pgs.249

Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme and Government Subsidies: A Welfare Scheme for Underprivileged —Pgs.251

PPP Model of Infrastructure Development and Its Viability —Pgs.253

Creation of Smaller States and the Following Administrative, Economic and Developmental Implications —Pgs.255

Role of Media in Good Governance —Pgs.257

Essays on Psychological Issues —Pgs.260

Religion and its Humanist Face —Pgs.260

Religious Neutrality: An Accepted Behavioural Script —Pgs.262

India’s Struggle against Leprosy —Pgs.264

Complications of Adolescents in Indian Context —Pgs.266

State of Mental Illness in India —Pgs.268

Essays on Rural and Agrarian Issues —Pgs.271

Rural Uplift Programme in India —Pgs.271

Drought Management in India —Pgs.272

The Developmental Challenges in Rural India —Pgs.275

Agricultural Challenges to Overcome in India —Pgs.278

Decentralisation for Rural Development is the Way to Overcome Challenge —Pgs.281

Agriculture: Second Green Revolution —Pgs.283

The Dynamics of Changing Rural Economy in 21st Century —Pgs.285

Arhar: A Solution to Pollution —Pgs.288

Essays on Urbanisation-Related Issues —Pgs.291

Urbanisation and its Menaces —Pgs.291

Homes and Safety Norms in Indian Context —Pgs.293

Better Access is Important to Inclusive Cities —Pgs.294

Future of Smart Cities in India —Pgs.295

Messy Urbanisation Poses Challenge to India —Pgs.297

India’s Problem of Slow, Messy and Hidden Urbanisation —Pgs.298

The significance of the ‘New Urban Agenda’ for India —Pgs.299

Essays on Women Empowerment-Related Issues —Pgs.302

If Women Governed the World! —Pgs.302

Women Need More than Empowerment —Pgs.304

Women: Delicate or Strong? —Pgs.305

Women’s Depiction in Advertisements: Gender Bias or Mean Attitude of the Society? —Pgs.306

Essays on Children and Vulnerable Sections of Society —Pgs.308

Do You Agree That Violence on TV Directly Influences Children’s Behaviour? —Pgs.308

Children Should Be Encouraged to Think Individually —Pgs.309

HIV and Drug Abuse in India —Pgs.311

A New Assertion of Dalit Politics in India —Pgs.316

Old Age Problem and Our Responsibility towards Old Age —Pgs.319

Human Rights Issues in India —Pgs.321

Suicide in Youths and Reason behind it —Pgs.323

Disability is Not Divinity —Pgs.325

Essays on Contemporary Issues —Pgs.327

Terrorism and World Peace —Pgs.327

India: A Land of Young Talents and Few Innovations —Pgs.329

Can India Become a Superpower by 2030? —Pgs.330

BRICS Summit, Goa (2016): A Time to Recognise India —Pgs.332

Commercial Surrogacy: Boon or Bane —Pgs.335

Crisis of European Refugee —Pgs.338

Net Neutrality —Pgs.341

The Masks of new Imperialism —Pgs.343

Boom of BPO in India —Pgs.348

Significance of NAM in Today’s World —Pgs.350

Role of BRICS In Today’s World —Pgs.358

Investment in Private Sector in India: Future Road Ahead —Pgs.361

‘For the ills of Democracy, social movements may be the cure, not revolutions’ —Pgs.363

Dependence, Not Inequality, Is the Real Misfortune —Pgs.365

Need of Referendum and Initiative in Our Democracy —Pgs.367

India’s Stand in the Suez Canal Crisis —Pgs.370

RCEP: A Treaty Tarnished by Disagreements and Divergence —Pgs.373

List of Probable Essay Topics —Pgs.375

The Author

R.P. Tomar

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