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Forests and People   


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Author D.N. Tewari
  • ISBN : 9788184305104
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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More Information

  • D.N. Tewari
  • 9788184305104
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2017
  • 390
  • Hard Cover
  • 450 Grams


The environment on which we all depend is under threat from growing levels of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss and acidifying oceans. Environmental threats such as climate change, land degradation, deforestation, biodiversity loss, air and water pollution and natural disasters affect everyone, but they hurt poor countries and poor communities most. We have an obligation to protect our planet for the sake of future generations and to safeguard today’s hard-won development gains. Hence, a clean and safe environment should be seen as a right, not a privilege.
Forest cover one-third of the earth’s land surface and their conservation and sustainable management are essential for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, combating climate change and its impacts, ecosystem management and in reducing environmental disasters.
The book suggests that people-centric forest management can ensure food and water security, eradication of poverty and hunger, affordable energy and shelter, medicinal plants for health and nutrition, jobs and economy to vulnerable indigenous peoples and tourism and recreation facilities for all people.



Preface — Pg. v

Acknowledgements — Pg. ix

1. Overview — Pg. 1

 — Dr. Dina Nath Tewari

2. Development of Forests and People — Pg. 42

 — Dr. Dina Nath Tewari

3. Forests, Sustainable Development Goals, and Climate Change — Pg. 122

 — Dr. Maharaj Krishen Muthoo

4. Bamboo: A Strategic Resource for Pro-poor, Green Economies — Pg. 157

 — Contributors: Hans Friederich, T.P. Subramony, Werner Kosemund, Oliver Frith, Wu Junqi, Durai Jayaraman

Editing: Jack Durrell, Baya Agarwal

5. Biodiversity of China and Its Conservation — Pg. 179

 — Prof. Pei Shengji

6. The Development of China’s Forestry: Present State, Potentials and Prospects — Pg. 219

 — Li Zhiyong, Zhu Zhaohua, Zhang Decheng

7. Forests/Trees for Reducing Degradation and Pollution for Improving Human Health — Pg. 251

 — J.P.L. Srivastava

8. Conservation of Forest Biodiversity and People: Wild Life Conservation Paradigm — Pg. 264

 — Dr. S.K. Khanduri

9. Agroforestry for Climate Smart Agriculture — Pg. 295

 — Prof. Anil Kumar Singh

10. Non-Timber Forest Products Issues of Sustainability of Resources and Livelihood — Pg. 320

 — Dr. Ram Prasad

11. Forest Industries for Value Addition — Pg. 341

 — Dr. B.N. Mohanty, D. Sujatha, V. Prakash

The Author

D.N. Tewari

The environment on which we all depend is under threat from growing levels of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss and acidifying oceans. Environmental threats such as climate change, land degradation, deforestation, biodiversity loss, air and water pollution and natural disasters affect everyone, but they hurt poor countries and poor communities most. We have an obligation to protect our planet for the sake of future generations and to safeguard today’s hard-won development gains. Hence, a clean and safe environment should be seen as a right, not a privilege.
Forest cover one-third of the earth’s land surface and their conservation and sustainable management are essential for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, combating climate change and its impacts, ecosystem management and in reducing environmental disasters.
The book suggests that people-centric forest management can ensure food and water security, eradication of poverty and hunger, affordable energy and shelter, medicinal plants for health and nutrition, jobs and economy to vulnerable indigenous peoples and tourism and recreation facilities for all people.

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