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Fundamentals of English Grammar


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Author N C Sinha
  • ISBN : 9789350481851
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
  • ...more
  • Kindle Store

More Information

  • N C Sinha
  • 9789350481851
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2017
  • 224
  • Hard Cover
  • 465 Grams


English enjoys the status of the World Language. No other language has ever scaled this height. It is the language that encompasses everything in the world. It is used and cherished by millions whose mother tongue is not English. Spoken English, as a natural corollary to that, has become an important tool in our hands today. Without mastery over it, the gateway to success will remain a distant dream in today’s globalised market.
Command on any language depends primarily on command on its grammar. Grammar is a repository of rules, governing how words are put together into sentences. These rules govern most constructions in a given language. Grammar is the science of correct use of language. It is concerned only with correct speaking and writing.Fundamentals of Grammar need to be fully comprehended to to acquire skills of quality English. Aim of this book is a practical one: an aid to good English, to take you places on the wings of English. The book is designed to meet the requirements of students completing their schooling and entering colleges or job market, or preparing for various competitions.



Preface — Pgs. 7

1. Sentence — Pgs. 13

2. Parts of Speech — Pgs. 16

3. Noun (Noun & its classification) — Pgs. 19

4. Pronoun — Pgs. 28

5. Adjective (Adjective & its kinds) — Pgs. 30

6. Verb — Pgs. 34

7. Adverb (Adverb and its types) — Pgs. 37

8. Preposition — Pgs. 39

9. Conjunction — Pgs. 41

10. Interjections — Pgs. 47

11. Tense — Pgs. 48

12. Uses of Tense — Pgs. 50

13. Structure — Pgs. 67

14. Conditional Sentences — Pgs. 71

15. Idioms — Pgs. 74

16. Correct Uses of Prepositions — Pgs. 96

17. Usage — Pgs. 139

18. Spoken English — Pgs. 140

19. Personality Development & Interviews — Pgs. 156

20. Mock Interviews — Pgs. 161

21. Writing E-mails, Faxes and Memos (memoranda) — Pgs. 166

22. Advertisements — Pgs. 170

23. Telegrams — Pgs. 174

24. Precis Writing — Pgs. 176

25. Circulars — Pgs. 181

26. Paragraph Writing — Pgs. 184

27. Note Making — Pgs. 192

28. Auxiliaries — Pgs. 198

29. Prefix — Pgs. 207

30. Suffix — Pgs. 210

31. Letter Writing — Pgs. 218

The Author

N C Sinha

N.C. Sinha, MA in English Literature, writes regular columns on various current topics for several National Dailies. He has translated many books from Hindi into English. Currently he is running a institute to provide training for Bank Competitive Exams where he teaches communication skills. This is his first book on English teaching.He can be contacted at

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