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Handbook Of Communication Skills & English Grammar   


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Author Arvind Shah
  • ISBN : 9789352667376
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : Ist
  • ...more

More Information

  • Arvind Shah
  • 9789352667376
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • Ist
  • 2018
  • 344
  • Hard Cover


This book is written with the objective to make English language learning easy for good communication skills.   Communication demands adherence to the rules of the language (grammar) and sensitivity to the content, style and presentation. It is therefore, a need that we understand the different aspects of use of correct language to help us to be good communicators. This book has lessons on grammar and communication skills to add efficiency to the expressions of an English language learner. Appropriate chapters of grammar have been written and explained with suitable examples. There are exercises associated with every chapter for practice of grammar and communication skills. 
There are detailed chapters on oral, visual and written communications to bring forth different aspects of communi-cation for improvement and efficiency.
It is author’s conviction and firm belief that the students of English will find this book objectively suitable and meaningfully easy for learning English  grammar  and communication skills.   



1. Communication Skills— 11

2. Sentences —79

3. Sentences and Communication— 86

4. Parts of Speech —91

5. Nouns —94

6. Countable and Uncountable Nouns —103

7. Possessive Case —119

8. Verbs —125

9. Tenses —131

10. Tenses Continued —137

11. Past Tense— 154

12. Future Tense —167

13. Active-Passive —180

14. Modals —192

15. Articles —203

16. Pronouns —210

17. Adjectives —232

18. Adverbs —256

19. Adjectives and Adverbs —265

20. Prepositions —276

21. Conjunctions —288

22. Interjections —296

23. Finite and Non-finite Verbs —298

24. Punctuations —303

25. Direct Speech and Indirect Speech —311

26. Structures of Sentences— 319

27. Phrases, Idioms, Proverbs —325

28. Same Words Used as Different Parts of Speech —334

29. Transformation of Sentences Using Different Degrees of Comparison 337

The Author

Arvind Shah

Arvind Shah is a poet, translator and a children’s writer. His publica-tions include children’s books, poems and translations. His translations represent the sentiments of the poet.
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