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High School Essays   


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Author N C Sinha
  • ISBN : 9789351866046
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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  • N C Sinha
  • 9789351866046
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2020
  • 344
  • Hard Cover
  • 450 Grams


Essay is basically the act of ‘trying out… or an act of attempting to accomplish something. It is also an analytic or interpretive literary composition. Essays, therefore, essentially reveal the personality of the writer besides giving his/her viewpoints on a specific subject matter. Essays help us express ourselves, our thoughts, our ideas and our perceptions about things we are associated with or about things we are impacted with or wish to have an impact on. Essays not only provide the required space and tool, they also let us leisurely saunter along. Tweeting or emailing cannot achieve this. This answers why we should write essays. We should write because we cannot always speak out minds coherently.
There is no fixed length of an essay. It could be written in just about 100 words or even in several thousand words. Generally speaking, essays are not very long. But they need not be too small either. On an average, an essay in one thousand words should be adequate. A range of 1,000 to 1,500 is generally accepted as ideal for competitive exams and that is the length of the majority of the essays in this book.


Contents 40. Uniform Civil Code Pgs—177
Author’s Note Pgs—7 41. Reservation Pgs—181
1. India Pgs—The Land and its People Pgs—13 42. How the Constitution has Worked Pgs—184
2. The President of India Pgs—Pranab Mukherjee Pgs—17 43. Health Services in India Pgs—189
3. Prime Minister of India Pgs—Narendra Modi Pgs—20 44. Status of Higher Education in India Pgs—192
4. Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi Pgs—30 45. Pseudo Secularism Pgs—196
5. Nelson Mandela Pgs—33 46. The Supreme Court of India Pgs—200
6. Subhash Chandra Bose Pgs—37 47. The High Court Pgs—204
7. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Pgs—41 48. Indian Languages Pgs—208
8. Lal Bahadur Shastri Pgs—45 49. Women Empowerment Pgs—212
9. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Pgs—49 50. Inter-State Relations Pgs—217
10. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Pgs—57 51. The Public Services Pgs—221
11. Chhatrapati Shivaji Pgs—63 52. The State of Jammu and Kashmir Pgs—226
12. Jhansi Ki Rani Pgs—68 53. The Malaise of Non-Governance Pgs—231
13. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Pgs—72 54. Importance of English in India Pgs—238
14. Ashoka the Great Pgs—79 55. Practising Democracy in India Pgs—242
15. Festivals and Festivities in India Pgs—84 56. Fundamental Rights Pgs—246
16. Durga Puja Pgs—88 57. Fundamental Duties Pgs—250
17. Holi Pgs—91 58. Central Bureau of Investigation Pgs—253
18. Id-ul-Fitr Pgs—95 59. Globalisation Pgs—257
19. Diwali Pgs—98 60. The Crumbling Institution of Marriage Pgs—261
20. Chhath Festival Pgs—102 61. How Should We Treat Our Elders? Pgs—266
21. Christmas Pgs—105 62. Tenants and Landlords Pgs—270
22. Republic Day Pgs—108 63. Obscenity for Obscenity’s Sake Pgs—273
23. Independence Day Pgs—111 64. Growing Population and Thinning Families Pgs—277
24. Teachers’ Day Pgs—115 65. Euthanasia Pgs—Mercy Killing Pgs—280
25. Visit to a Monument Pgs—119 66. Illiteracy Pgs—The Malaise that Afflicts India Pgs—285
26. Visit to a Hill Station Pgs—122 67. History of the Origin of Indian Literature Pgs—289
27. Visit to a Museum Pgs—127 68. Diabetes Pgs—A Sure Killer Pgs—294
28. Visit to a Book Fair Pgs—131 69. The Indian National Flag Pgs—298
29. My Banker Pgs—135 70. Poverty Alleviation Pgs—302
30. Electronic Media Pgs—The News Channels Pgs—139 71. Bharat Ratna Pgs—The Highest Civilian Award Pgs—306
31. Internet Pgs—Way of Life Pgs—143 72. Human Rights Pgs—310
32. Newspaper Pgs—146 73. Sexual Harassment Pgs—314
33. Population Explosion Pgs—150 74.  Science Scenario in India Pgs—318
34. Terrorism Pgs—153 75. A Growing Environmental Challenge Pgs—322
35. Poverty Pgs—157 76. Interlinking of Rivers Pgs—325
36. Corruption Pgs—161 77. Pesticides in Food Pgs—The Silent Killers Pgs—329
37. Pollution Pgs—165 78. Trends in Higher Education Pgs—333
38. Global Warming Pgs—169 79. Digital Evidence and Cyber Crime Pgs—337
39. Internal Security Pgs—173 80. Human Reproduction Pgs—341

The Author

N C Sinha

N.C. Sinha, MA in English Literature, writes regular columns on various current topics for several National Dailies. He has translated many books from Hindi into English. Currently he is running a institute to provide training for Bank Competitive Exams where he teaches communication skills. This is his first book on English teaching.He can be contacted at

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