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Hindu Rashtra Darshan(PB)   


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Author Veer Savarkar
  • ISBN : 9789353227654
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1
  • ...more

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  • Veer Savarkar
  • 9789353227654
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1
  • 2020
  • 496
  • Soft Cover


A Hindu, to sum up the conclusions arrived at, is he who looks upon the land that extends from Sindhu to Sindhu, from the Indus to the seas, as the land of his forefathers, his pitrabhu, who inherited the blood of that race whose first discernible source is traced to the Vedic Saptasindhus, which, on its onward march, assimilated much that was incorporated and ennobling. The Hindus, who inherited and claimed as their own the culture of that race, as expressed chiefly in their common classic language, Sanskrit, and represented by a common history, a common literature, art and architecture, law and jurisprudence, rites and rituals, ceremonies and sacraments, fairs and festivals, and who, above all, address this land, this Sindhustan, as their punyabhu, as the holy land, the land of their saints and seers, of godmen and gurus, the land of piety and pilgrimage. These are the essentials of Hindutva – a common rashtra, a common jaati, and a common sanskriti. All these essentials could best be summed up by stating in brief that they are Hindu to whom Sindhustan is not only a pitrabhu but also a punyabhu.
—Excerpts from this book

This classic and unique book, Hindu Rashtra Darshan by Swatantrayaveer Savarkar, gives the true meaning and correct picture of the Hindu Rashtra, wherein everyone living on the land this side of Indus river is a Hindu by culture, by values and not by the religion in its narrow definition. The book is divided in three major parts—First part is Hindu Pad-Padshahi, Second is Hindu Rashtra Darshan and third part is Essentials of Hindutva. It is a must read book for all Bharatiyas.



Author’s Foreword—Pgs.5

PART—I Hindu Empire of Maharashtra

1. A New Era—Pgs.15

2. Hindavi Swaraj—Pgs.18

3. A Nation Succeeds Shivaji—Pgs.22

4. A Royal Martyr—Pgs.24

5. The Royal Martyr Avenged—Pgs.26

6. Maharashtra Mandal—Pgs.29

7. The Appearance of Bajirao on the Scene—Pgs.32

8. Forward to Delhi!—Pgs.37

9. To Free the Hindu Seas—Pgs.44

10. Nadir Shah and Bajirao—Pgs.54

11. Nana and Bhau—Pgs.59

12. On to the Indus—Pgs.68

13. Hindu Pad-Padashahi—Pgs.74

14. Panipat—Pgs.83

15. The Defeat that Vanquished the Victor As Well—Pgs.94

16. Madhao Rao, The Virtuous—Pgs.100

17. Panipat Avenged—Pgs.104

18. Civil War and Popular Revolution—Pgs.111

19. The English Humbled—Pgs.122

20. Savai Madhao Rao—The Peshwa of the People’s Choice—Pgs.126

21. The Ideal: An All-India Hindu Empire under the Hegemony of Maharashtra—Pgs.151

22. The Best Solution under the Circumstances—Pgs.158

23. Viewed in the Light of Ancient and Modern History—Pgs.166

24. The Means: Maratha Warfare—Pgs.172

25. The Empire Fosters an All-Round Hindu Revival—Pgs.178

26. A Debt of Love and Gratitude—Pgs.184

27. The Curtain Falls—Pgs.190

PART—II Hindu Rashtra Darshan

1. 19th Session of the Akhil Bharatiya Hindu  Mahasabha at Karnavati (Ahmedabad), 1937—Pgs.195

2. 20th Session, Nagpur, 1938—Pgs.216

3. 21st Session Calcutta, 1939—Pgs.252

4. 22nd Session Madura, 1940—Pgs.300

5. 23rd Session Bhagalpur, 1941—Pgs.346

6. 24th Session Cawnpore, 1942—Pgs.366

7. Statement on Resignation—Pgs.403

8. Long Live the Hindu Mahasabha! ‘Long Live Hindudom!!’—Pgs.406

PART—III Essentials of Hindutva

1. Essentials of Hindutva—Pgs.411

2. Who is a Hindu?—Pgs.469

The Author

Veer Savarkar

Swatantrayaveer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was a great Indian revolutionary and a politico-military strategist, who tried to build India militarily in order to drive out the British. 
The word, ‘Savarkar’ is synonymous with courage, bravery, might and patriotism. Inscribed on golden pages of revolutionary history, freedom fighter Savarkar’s overall personality was full of matchless qualities—a revolutionary who put his life at stake for liberating his motherland; a visionary who raised his voice against social evils, such as casteism, untouchability and superstition; a karmayogi who followed the principles of the Gita in his life; a philosopher who suffered atrocities at the Cellular Jail of Andaman with forbearance while experiencing pulsation of the ageless and endless divine soul inside him; an orator who shook and left his audience spellbound with his fiery thoughts. Freedom-fighter Veer Savarkar was a gifted writer who wrote high-quality poems, novels, stories, biographies, history, essays etc. in an engaging and convincing style.
It is rarely seen that a person engaged in the freedom struggle and social reforms is an excellent author as well, and Savarkar is a living example of such rarity.  


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