This is a journey of reflection and contemplation on the ancient philosophical texts, an exploration of not only the Vedantic blueprint of Indic thought, but a deep-dive into the spiritual seeking of the evolved seekers themselves. Philosophic wisdom has been at the heart of India's culture, defining and redefining its contours at each step of its historical evolution, and has been the fountainhead from which the expression of this wisdom through the arts and culture flows.
The Philosopher and mystic in the Indic tradition has not just reflected upon the nuances of society, but has laid down a template at each critical junction of history, for society to follow in the footprints of that template. This journey of articles too attempts to resurrect and revive this Indic Philosophic template, which is a beautiful diverse tapes- try in itself, a spiritual vision that gave rise to this idea that there are manifold ways of approaching the eternal, of invoking the elan vital, Life Force, as Bergson termed it.