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Indian Politics & Our Thought   


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Author Rajnath Singh
  • ISBN : 9788184302004
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
  • ...more
  • Kindle Store

More Information

  • Rajnath Singh
  • 9788184302004
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2024
  • 224
  • Hard Cover
  • 300 Grams


BJP is a political party rich in distinct ideology possessing an army of committed and dedicated workers. Added to this is a succession of capable, industrious and talented leaders. Our collective endeavour would accelerate the process of development and instill probity in public life. On being returned to power, our commitment would be to establish Su-Raj (good governance).
A negligent and lethargic attitude about casting one’s vote, despite having the capacity and facility to do so, in principle not only weakens the democracy but in practice also paves the way for unhealthy elements getting into the polity which in turn is detrimental to the health of democracy. Voters should also bear in mind that they not only form the government by casting their vote but also indirectly pave the way for someone to form the government by not exercising their franchise.
The entire nation is looking at us to find answers to these challenges. If the BJP fails to respond to these challenges, then rest assured, no other political party will have a solution for them. If by galvanizing our organizational powers we are successful in this election, respond to all these challenges and take the country out of these crises, then we will be considered as architects of history in the years to come.
—From this book
Collection of speeches of BJP President Shri Rajnath Singh which reflect the basic ethics and characteristics of this nationalist party and emphasis on the motto of ‘Nation First’.



Editorial Pgs—5

1. Re-dedication of a Young Party Pgs—9

2. A Vow for a new Responsibilty Pgs—28

3. Exposing Educational Conspiracy Pgs—41

4. Reaffirming Faith in Coalition Pgs—53

5. A Weak Government Pgs—65

6. Indo-US Nuclear Deal Pgs—80

7. Society Facing Severe Crisis Pgs—98

8. Growing Influence of BJP Pgs—110

9. Preparing for a new ground Pgs—138

10. Lotus Blooms in South Pgs—157

11. Call for Lok Sabha Elections Pgs—173

12. Reflections over Current Scenario Pgs—187

Epilogue Pgs—210

The Author

Rajnath Singh

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