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Judicial Accountability


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Author Kalraj Mishra
  • ISBN : 9788184301656
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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More Information

  • Kalraj Mishra
  • 9788184301656
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2024
  • 104
  • Soft Cover
  • 240 Grams


"An independent, impartial and authoritative judiciary is an integral part of our judicial system. We require judges who maintain high standards of judicial behaviour to uphold the rule of law and inspire the public confidence in judicial system. This book contains the process of judicial appointments as the same lack transparency. It also analyses various aspects of judicial appointment and impeachment process for removal of corrupt and inefficient judges in view of outcome of impeachment proceedings against Justice Ramaswamy. The writer has suggested for setting up of a Judicial Commission for looking after appointments, transfers and disciplinary proceedings against errant judges. It also contains a review on crime against women and role of different organs in providing justice to common litigants.
Pendeney of large number of cases and inordinate delay in disposal of cases are cause of concern for every law-knowing person in the country. The growing tendency of judicial activism is most controversial issue and matter of debate. An effort has been made to find the answers of these vital issues. The book will make a unique contribution to the legal literature and prove to be very informative to every law-loving person of our society."

The Author

Kalraj Mishra

Shri Kalraj Mishra is in the social and political life for a period of more than forty years. During this period he has held numerous posts and positions within Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Parliament and U.P. Assembly. He has been minister in U.P. Government. At present he is national Vice-President of BJP and a member of U.P. Legislative Assembly from Lucknow. In his long innings whatever he did is an indelible mark-a stamp of achievement by sheer discipline and hard work. As a Rajya Shabha member he introduced 15 private Member bills of which two namely—The Commercial Advertisement on Electronic Media (Regulations) Bill 2005 and The Voluntary Organization Regulatory Authority Bill 2006 did come up for discussion in Rajya Sabha.
As Chairman of Committee on Subordinate Legislation, he was always keen in sharing views to give the proposals to give legal shape. He has always contributed as Parliamentarian with his vast experience and scholarly advice. In this book he has expressed his views on judicial accountability and has analyzed various problems being faced by Judiciary.

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