Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, better known as the Missile Man of India, is one of the most distinguished scientists of the country. His vision for India’s development transcended into infinity as he rose to be a very popular figure through his works in technology as well as investment of a large part of his life to motivate and inspire the youth, as he truly realized that it is through technology and youths that India can achieve the highest state of development.
All his life Dr. Kalam has inspired millions of people across globe. This book is a capsule of Dr. Kalam’s thoughts and personality traits. In this book 111 inspirational messages from the life of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam have been compiled.
Youth and people from all walks of life will draw inspiration from this book and embibe the virtues of the legendary Indian Dr. Kalam.
Contents | |
Author’s Note—7 | 57. Leadership—127 |
1. Agni Missile—15 | 58. Life—129 |
2. Agriculture—17 | 59. Manufacturing—131 |
3. Ambition—19 | 60. Mind—133 |
4. Art—21 | 61. Morning Walk—135 |
5. Ayodhya Tangle—23 | 62. Mother—137 |
6. Belief in Yourself—25 | 63. Nanotechnology—139 |
7. Behaviour—27 | 64. Natural Ability—141 |
8. Big Thinking—29 | 65. Nuclear Tests—143 |
9. Biodiversity—31 | 66. Nuclear Proliferation—145 |
10. Black Money—33 | 67. Patriotism—147 |
11. Caste Division—35 | 68. Politics—149 |
12. Challenge—37 | 69. Poverty—151 |
13. Character—39 | 70. Prithvi—153 |
14. Childhood—41 | 71. PURA—155 |
15. Conscience—43 | 72. Reading, Joy of—157 |
16. Core Competencies—45 | 73. Recognition—159 |
17. Corruption—47 | 74. Research and Development—161 |
18. Courage—49 | 75. Righteousness—163 |
19. Creativity—51 | 76. Risk—165 |
20. Culture—53 | 77. Role Model—167 |
21. Democracy—55 | 78. Sacrifice and Risk—169 |
22. Destiny—57 | 79. Secularism—171 |
23. Developed India—59 | 80. Self-doubt—173 |
24. Difficult Times—61 | 81. Self-reliance—175 |
25. Doubt—63 | 82. Services Sector—177 |
26. Dream—65 | 83. Sex Determination Test—179 |
27. Economic Development—67 | 84. Simple Living—181 |
28. Education—69 | 85. Social Media—183 |
29. E-governance—71 | 86. Song of India—185 |
30. Empowerment of Women—73 | 87. Space Exploration,—187 |
31. Energy—75 | 88. Its Impact on Economy—187 |
32. Entrepreneurship—77 | 89. Spirituality—189 |
33. Failure Management—79 | 90. Story-telling—191 |
34. Faith—81 | 91. Strength—193 |
35. Family—83 | 92. Student—195 |
36. Fearlessness—85 | 92. Subconscious—197 |
37. Forest—87 | 93. Success—199 |
38. Gender Bias—89 | 94. Super Power India—201 |
39. Gift—91 | 95. Teacher—203 |
40. Government—93 | 96. Team Effort—205 |
41. Gratitude—95 | 97. Technology—207 |
42. Grooming for Leadership—97 | 98. Terrorism—209 |
43. Happiness—99 | 99. Time Management—211 |
44. Harmony—101 | 100. Traditional Knowledge—213 |
45. Healthcare—103 | 101. Transparency—215 |
46. Helicopter Crash—105 | 102. Truth—217 |
47. Honesty—107 | 103. Turning Point—219 |
48. Ignited Mind—109 | 104. Value Addition—221 |
49. In-charge—111 | 105. Value System—223 |
50. India 2020—113 | 106. Victorious India—225 |
51. India and China—115 | 107. Vision 2020—227 |
52. Indomitable Spirit—117 | 108. Work—229 |
53. Infrastructure—119 | 109. World Order—231 |
54. Injustice—121 | 110. World Relations—233 |
55. Innovation—123 | 111. Youth—235 |
56. Knowledge—125 | Bibliography—237 |
Dr. Rashmi Birth: 18 January, 1974 Kanpur (UP)
Education: Ph.D. (Study of Classical Languages of Kabir Poetry in Hindi).
Published over 10 books in Hindi which includes Biographies, Novel and Selfhelp. Her autobio-graphical novels on Dr. Kalam and Atal Bihari Vajpayee are very popular.
This is her first book in English.
Creativity: Writing and Teaching. Published articles, poems and stories in different newspapers, magazines. Regular columns in Navbharat Times and Aaj Samaj, book review for Tribune. Presentations on Doordarshan and other channels and All India Radio. Poetry recitation on various stages.
Contact: 9971711337