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Resurgent India   


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Author Prabhat Jha
  • ISBN : 9788184302011
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
  • ...more
  • Kindle Store

More Information

  • Prabhat Jha
  • 9788184302011
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2024
  • 288
  • Hard Cover
  • 350 Grams


India got freedom but still we are lagging behind in comparision to other countries who also got independence in the some era as we got. We are still struggling to achieve what we should have attained much earlier. What we see on the surface of reality is the opposite of what is there on paper. We discover that we have not moved forward but pushed back. There is nothing unusual in the problems of hunger, want, health, hygiene, water supply and education. But what is unusual is that our efforts have not borne fruit because these had not been honest and sincere.
‘Resurgent India’ is the flight of our imagination. It encompasses the elements of science, sacrifice, god, religion, spirituality and knowledge and it can institutionalise a human being into god from within the common citizens and society. Nation pervades our soul, mind and heart. We have always kept this sense alive. We have neither lost sight of our culture nor shut ourselves to new ideas. This collection has the vision of a Bharat singed with the sensitive spirit of Antyodaya, moving up and fast.
The ‘Resurgent India’ which is in your hand is the result of collective efforts. In preparing it, constructive efforts of many practitioners of word, worshippers of Saraswati and those saints who are engaged in taking Bharat Mata to the highest level have been employed.



India will move Forward —Pgs. 5

1. Liberhan Commission Report : A compilation of Howlers, Tragedy of Errors —Pgs. 15

—Arun Jaitley

2. Reforming Governance in India —Pgs. 25


3. Worth throwing in to the Bay of Bengal —Pgs. 42

—M. Venkaiah Naidu

4. Judicial Reform for Ensuring Speedy and Satisfactory Disposal of Cases —Pgs. 53

—Justice Dr. M. Rama Jois (Retd.)

5. Strengthening the Spirit of Nationalism in Politics —Pgs. 60

—Balbir Punj

6. Role of the Media in Our Democracy —Pgs. 68

—Chandan Mitra

7. Six Decades of Indian Republic

Time to have a reality check of our Republic —Pgs. 75

—Prabhat Jha

8. Commitment to Ideology —Pgs. 81

—Prof Om Prakash Kohli

9. The Smile of the Poor holds Mirror to Nation’s Prosperity —Pgs. 86

—Ruddar Datt

10. Freedom from Populism and Electoral Compulsions —Pgs. 102

—Vinay Sahasrabuddhe

11. Women in India Today : Need for Refreshing Our Mindset —Pgs. 119

—Nirmala Sitharaman

12. Illegal migrations: The Way Out —Pgs. 129

—Prakash Singh

13. Himachal on the path of Progress and Prosperity —Pgs. 138

—Prof Prem Kumar Dhumal

14. A Case Study of Conversions in North-Eastern India

Conversions—a threat to National Unity —Pgs. 144

—R K Ohri, IPS (Retd)

15. Making Agriculture Play a Greater Role in Indian Economy 156

—JC Jetli, IAS (Retd)

16. Plight of Hindu Civil Servants & Youth under Rangnath Mishra Commission Report —Pgs. 167

—OP Gupta (IFS Retd)

17. Nationalism in Politics —Pgs. 179

—R Balashankar

18. Dispute Over Conversions turns Violent Paying the price for ignoring the sage counsel of the founding fathers and the Supreme Court —Pgs. 195

—A Surya Prakash

19. The Pain of Partition The Promises & the Let downs —Pgs. 203

—Bimolangshu Roy

20. Impact of mining on Water quality —Pgs. 212

—Dr Umesh Kumar Singh & Prof V Subramanian

21. Evaluating Reservation —Pgs. 219

—Ramesh Patange

22. Economic Empowerment —Pgs. 225

—Gopal K Agarwal

23. Common Man’s Involvement Vital in Building India’s Economy Strong —Pgs. 240

—Dr Sharad Jain

24. Ethnic Indians in India’s Diaspora Policy —Pgs. 244

—Dr Amit Singh

25. Strengthen Civic Sense to strengthen the Nation —Pgs. 252

—Amba Charan Vashishtha

26. Is Education in India really Indian? —Pgs. 261

—Dr Shiv Shakti Bakshi

27. Rising menace of Maoist terrorism UPA fails to act firmly 271

—Ram Prasad Tripathy

28. Gou Gram Yatra A move to save the cow —Pgs. 279

—A report by Vikash Anand

29. The song that rattled the British —Pgs. 285

—Brig Chitranjan Sawant, VSM

The Author

Prabhat Jha

Born in 1958 in Darbhanga (Bihar). M.Sc., L.L.B., Diploma in Journalism.
Prolific writer and eminent thinker. Regular contributor & columnist for leading newspapers of the country. Editor of ‘Kamal Sandesh’ (Hindi & English).
Member of Parliament (RS) & National Vice President of BJP.

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