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Sardar: The Sovereing Saint   


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Author Dinkar Joshi
  • ISBN : 9788184302820
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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  • Dinkar Joshi
  • 9788184302820
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2015
  • 368
  • Hard Cover


hankar, connect me immediately to the Prime Minister.”
Without wasting time on any further questions, Shankar dialled the telephone number of the Prime Minister’s residence. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister had left for the radio station.
Shankar rushed back to give the message to Sardar. Sardar impatiently said :
“Shankar, leave immediately for the Radio Station. Go quickly. Try to hold back the Prime Minister’s speech. By no means should the matter related to plebiscite and UNO be relayed. If this happens, the whole country will be put into a great trouble. If need be, cancel this programme. Please leave immediately.”
Having waded through the traffic on the way, Shankar reached finally to the radio station but he was late. The Prime Minister was reading his speech on the microphone. Shankar heard him referring to the plebiscite and UNO. The whole world was listening to it. Shankar banged his head.
—Extract from this novel

A biographical novel on the Iron Man of India Sardar Patel which brings to light various known-unknown facets of his inspiring life. His contribution and efforts for the unification of princely states laid the foundation for a sovereign Bharat.
A must read book for every true Indian.



Preface —Pgs. 7

Sardar: Myths and Realities —Pgs. 17

Translator’s Preface —Pgs. 41

1. Jawahar is not ‘ liar’ – he is ‘untrue’ Gandhijis speech-Banwarilal’s Bungalow, Sardar’s residence – The lights in the bungalow-garden – The conversation between Sriprakash and Sardar – Jawahar ‘untrue’ —Pgs. 49

2. Sardar and Sriprakash Establishment of Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Sardar’s name for the post of the Principal – Tapovardhan’s training as a pilot – His death. —Pgs. 58

3. I am not Mahatma Patel Maulana Azad’s stand – Gandhiji’s views on non-violence in the Congress Working Committee – Gandhiji’s resignation – Sardar’s stand on the election funds – I am not Mahatma Patel – Sardar’s first meeting with Gandhi in 1918. —Pgs. 64

4. Indian National Army and Sardar The Defence Council against the court-martial – Jinnah and Muslim League – Khilafat and Gandhiji – Sardar’s views on the Khilafat – the Royal Navy mutiny—Sardar’s intervention. —Pgs. 73

5. The Second Mahatma Sardar is misunderstood – Jawaharlal in place of Sardar as the Congress President – The meeting of the Congress Working Committee – Second Mahatma. —Pgs. 83

6. Sardar differs with Gandhiji Aga Khan’s phone call to Sardar—the Cabinet Mission – Sir Pethick Lawrence – Gandhiji’s views on the Cabinet Mission – Sardar’s dialogue – Walk out of Gandhiji from the Working Committee meeting—Rajkot, the Veerawala episode. —Pgs. 91

7. Rajkot Satyagraha Gandhiji’s fast – Letter to the Viceroy – Sardar’s stand. —Pgs. 101

8. Gandhi’s Truth vis-à-vis Maulana Conversation between Manibehn and Sardar about Gandhiji – Sardar’s deliberation on Jinnah – Jawaharlal’s statement and Jinnah’s opposition – Jinnah’s threat – Maulana Azad’s letter to the Viceroy – Maulana’s denial to Gandhiji. —Pgs. 109

9. They are destroyers, not builders The Muslim League, not builders but destroyers – Sardar, Finance Ministry, Home Ministry – Maulana and Jawahar’s request to Sardar – The absence of the League members in the meeting – Riots in Bihar – Agreement between the British government and the Princely States – Sardar in favour of the Partition. —Pgs. 118

10. The Partition –The only alternative to save the country Corfield’s meeting with Sardar – Rajaji’s approval for the Partition in 1941 – Decision between Sardar and Nehru on the Partition. —Pgs. 127

11. The Father and the Daughter The period of Manibehn’s adolescence – Manibehn’s stay with Sardar – The dialogue between the father and daughter – Manibehn’s dialogue with Gandhiji – Manibehn’s decision. —Pgs. 135

12. Mountbatten and Churchill Mountbatten’s dialogue with Churchill – Discussion between Gandhiji and Mountbatten – Meeting between Sardar and Mountbatten. —Pgs. 144

13. Deliberations on the Princely States Deliberations on Ministry of States – Sardar’s discussion with Gopi Chand Bhargav – Dialogue between Sardar and Nehru on the Cabinet – Discussion between Sardar and Nehru on the refugees – Sardar’s talks with Neogy – Talks on Kashmir between Mountbatten, and Sardar and Jawaharlal. —Pgs. 153

14. The Testament of Viththalbhai Patel at Geneva Discussion of Vitthalbhai’s belongings – Background of Vitthalbhai – Vitthalbhai in London – Joint statement to Press by Subhash Chandra and Vitthalbhai – Vitthalbhai’s approaching end – His will, death and the last rites. —Pgs. 164

15. Sardar and Subhash on Viththalbhai’s Will The Lucknow Session – The Haripura Session – The Tripuri Session – Subhas Chandra’s resignation – Copy of Vitthalbhai’s will and discussions with Sardar – Gandhiji’s stand – The Court’s judgment. —Pgs. 173

16. We, You and All Together Address to the meeting of the Princely States – Nawab Hamidullah Khan of Bhopal – The Maharajas of Jodhpur, Bikaner and Jaisalmer – Their meetings with Jinnah – Sardar’s meeting with the three Maharaja’s – The Royal Princess of Bhopal trapped in Delhi riots – Sardar’s stand. —Pgs. 182

17. Sardarsaheb! Please convince Ranisaheba First
King of Bhavnagar – Attack on Sardar in Bhavnagar – Arrangements for the Jam Saheb of Nawanagar – Colonel Himmatsinhji – Sardar’s meeting with Jam Saheb. —Pgs. 193

18. Cochin and Travancore The Maharaja of Baroda – The Cochin episode – Reconciliation between Cochin and Tranvancore—The Morbi episode. —Pgs. 202

19. Sardar’s insistence on Privy Purses Jawaharlal’s stand on Junagadh – Restoration of the Somnath Temple – Apples in the basket – Sardar’s insistence upon the allowances to the Princely States – Meeting of the Working Committee and the Constituent Assembly. —Pgs. 210

20. Mahajan, you are not going anywhere- be seated King Hari Singh and the Sheikh – The attackers – Attacks on Baramullah — Mahajan’s visit to Delhi – Sardar’s arrangements— Sardar’s visit to Srinagar. —Pgs. 218

21. The Kashmir Issue from States Dept. to Foreign Ministry Deliberations on Sheikh – Khurshid in Srinagar – Mountbatten’s stand on Kashmir – Difference of opinion on the Kashmir issue between Sardar and Jawaharlal – Correspondence between them – Gopalaswamy in charge of Kashmir – Shankar stalls Sardar’s resignation letter. —Pgs. 227

22. Jawaharlal will wail one day Sushila Nayyar’s message to Shankar about the meeting between Sardar and Bapu – Meeting of Manibehn, Sardar and Shankar with Bapu – Nehru’s address to the nation on radio – Sardar visits Assam – His comments on the people of the North Eastern states – Sardar’s speech at the Lucknow Session. —Pgs. 235

23. The Bare Facts of 55 Crores Sardar’s meeting with General Thorat – Discussion between Sardar and Nehru on the 55 crore rupees to Pakistan – Discussion in the Cabinet Meeting – Talks between Sardar and Bapu on the amount for Pakistan – Dialogue between Mountbatten and Sardar on this issue – Riots at Faiz Bazar, Delhi – Sardar’s visit to Amritsar. —Pgs. 243

24. Jawahar cannot control the Nation without Sardar Discussion between Sardar and Nehru on finalizing the name of Ramaswami – Gandhiji meets the maulavis – Talks between Sardar and Gandhiji about the protection of the Muslims – Meeting with the Chief Commissioner of Ajmer – Discussion between Sardar and Nehru on Ajmer – Sardar asks for a clarification from Bapu about the difference of opinion—Mountbatten’s stand. —Pgs. 252

5. Bapu’s Fast and his departure Cabinet Meeting at the Birla House – Sardar’s visit to Mumbai – Sardar’s discussion with Gandhiji regarding his security – Sardar’s talk with Birla – Talk with Sardar before Bapu’s murder—Bapu’s murder. —Pgs. 261

26. Why did you stop me from going to Bapu? Sardar’s resignation letter – Jayprakash’s procession – Jawaharlal’s visit during the meeting of Sardar and Pyarelal – Sardar’s heart attack – Churchill’s statement – Sardar’s reply to Churchill – Churchill’s response through Anthony. —Pgs. 271

27. Sardar and Jawaharlal on RSS Sardar’s meeting with RSS leaders – The Birla House and Mani Bhuvan issue – Hyderabad – The Hyderabad Delegation meets Sardar. —Pgs. 279

28. Hyderabad is liberated - Operation Polo Sardar’s response – Mountbatten’s last attempt to convince the Nizam – Sardar’s approval in Dehra Doon – Monckton informs about the cancellation of the draft – Discussion between Nehru and Sardar about the military steps – Sardar’s talks with Roy Bucher – Jinnah’s death – The response to the end of ‘Operation Polo’. —Pgs. 288

29. The Air crash at Jaipur Discussion with the Nizam – Sardar to be replaced by Jayprakash – Sardar’s correspondence with Nehru about their split – The plane accident at Jaipur – Sardar’s protection to the ICS officers. —Pgs. 298

30. No more Pakistans—One is enough Opinion of Jawahar and Sardar – Meeting between Sardar and Liaquat – Sardar’s meeting in Kolkata – Mountbatten’s letter from London – Demand for reservation for the Muslims seats in the Constituent Assembly – Sardar’s reply – The Clause of religious propaganda in the Constitution. —Pgs. 308

31. The Clause of Special Status to Kashmir Sardar’s stand – Difference of opinion on the appointment of Rajendra Babu as the President – Nehru’s stand – China’s policy and Sardar’s warning. —Pgs. 318

32. Differences between Nehru and Sardar Sardar’s meeting with the Chief Ministers – Sardar’s and Nehru’s stand on the Congress President – Dismissal of Sheikh’s brother-in-law by Sardar – Tandon elected as the Congress President – Tug of war to include Rafi Ahmed in the Working Committee. —Pgs. 328

33. Towards the end of an Ascetic journey Birthday celebrations of Sardar in Ahmedabad – Discussion in the Cabinet about China’s betrayal – Meeting of the Working Committee at Sardar’s residence – Issue of compensation to the freedom fighters – Decision to take Sardar to Mumbai. —Pgs. 336

34. The Last Phase Talks with Nehru – Visit by the Cabinet members – Sardar in Mumbai – Nehru’s decision on the Ministries headed by Sardar – Sardar’s departure – Jawahar’s reaction. —Pgs. 345

The Author

Dinkar Joshi

Born on 30th June 1937, Mr. Joshi has at his credit 152 books so far in Gujarati language. He started his literary career with publication of a short story in 1954. His 52 books are translated and published in Hindi, Marathi, Bangla, Oriya, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannad, English and German languages. His writing covers different areas of the life of man kind i.e. with social and spiritual background, the research work on Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, epics like Mahabharat and Ramayan etc. He has carved a new path in the field of biographical novels viz. Gujarati poet Narmad, Mahatma Gandhi and his son Harilal, Mohmad Ali Jinnah, Rabindranath Tagore, Lord Buddha and also on Sardar Patel.
His novel ‘Mahatma vs. Gandhi’ was adapted as play and also as movie in different languages including English.
On the eve of the completion of his 75th  Birth  Anniversary,  he  was felicitated in a function held in Mumbai wherein his 15 books were released in 6 different Indian languages including English which is recognized as a National record by the Limca Book of records.
He has edited translation of complete ‘Mahabharat’ in Gujarati language in 20 volumes.
At present he is occupied with reading and writing. He has also floated a  Trust–Gujarati  Sahitya  Pradan Pratishthan  with  an  objective  of publishing outstanding Gujarati books in different languages. He lives in Mumbai.

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