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School Paragraph Writing   


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Author Harish Dutt Sharma
  • ISBN : 9788184302981
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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  • Kindle Store

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  • Harish Dutt Sharma
  • 9788184302981
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2015
  • 206
  • Hard Cover


Paragraph writing is an art. Writing a paragraph though quite simple needs guidance. One has to learn how to write in short on a subject. It has to be concise yet comprehensive. The subject of the paragraph is the key point around which the ideas that it invokes in the mind should be put into words effectively and at the same time lead the reader through reasoning to a logical conclusion. The present book is a help book or guide which if followed will help write paragraphs on various subjects clearly and effectively. The book provides some rules to write the paragraph: how to build the idea, elaborate the salient points and write it in a clear language. These rules should be kept in mind before venturing to put the thoughts that have gathered in the mind, which revolve around the subject in question. If these are kept in mind before attempting to write they will enhance the quality of the paragraph. The skill of writing good paragraphs has to be learnt. It is here that this help book comes in and guides in honing this skill. More than three hundred paragraphs are given in the book, which will help the reader master the art of paragraph writing. Therefore it is an essential book for all students and people who like to put down their thoughts.


Preface —Pgs. 5 103. Creativity —Pgs. 83 207. Lead —Pgs. 145
Introduction —Pgs. 7 104. Credit Cards —Pgs. 83 208. Leaves —Pgs. 146
1. A Brief History of Comics —Pgs. 23 105. Cross Culture —Pgs. 84 209. Leonardo da Vinci —Pgs. 146
2. A Dream —Pgs. 23 106. Crystals —Pgs. 85 210. Mahatma Gandhi —Pgs. 147
3. A Galaxy —Pgs. 24 107. Danger Behind the Wheel —Pgs. 85 211. Makeup —Pgs. 147
4. A Good Life —Pgs. 24 108. Dead Sea —Pgs. 85 212. Malaria —Pgs. 148
5. A Loving Home and Environment —Pgs. 25 109. Desert —Pgs. 86 213. Man Eater Tree —Pgs. 149
6. A Teacher, A Leader —Pgs. 26 110. Diamonds —Pgs. 87 214. Marco Polo —Pgs. 149
7. Abraham Lincoln —Pgs. 26 111. Dinosaurs —Pgs. 87 215. Martial Arts —Pgs. 149
8. Absolute Power —Pgs. 27 112. Disney —Pgs. 88 216. Maya Civilization —Pgs. 150
9. Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs —Pgs. 27 113. DNA —Pgs. 88 217. Mein Kampf —Pgs. 151
10. Acid Rain —Pgs. 28 114. Dolphins —Pgs. 89 218. Merchants Role —Pgs. 151
11. Acupuncture —Pgs. 28 115. Dracula —Pgs. 90 219. Mercury —Pgs. 152
12. Adam Smith —Pgs. 29 116. Dreaming and Sleeping —Pgs. 90 220. Mesopotamia —Pgs. 152
13. Adolescent Smoking —Pgs. 30 117. Dwarka —Pgs. 91 221. Meteors —Pgs. 153
14. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini —Pgs. 30 118. Early Civilizations —Pgs. 92 222. Mexico Basin —Pgs. 154
15. Advertisement —Pgs. 31 119. Earth —Pgs. 92 223. Microprocessors —Pgs. 154
16. Africa —Pgs. 31 120. Earth History —Pgs. 93 224. Mt. Everest —Pgs. 155
17. African Dance —Pgs. 32 121. Earthquakes —Pgs. 93 225. Mt. Vesuvius —Pgs. 155
18. Age of Discovery —Pgs. 32 122. Eating Disorders —Pgs. 94 226. Multimedia —Pgs. 156
19. AIDS —Pgs. 33 123. E-Commerce —Pgs. 95 227. Mummy —Pgs. 157
20. Air Pollution —Pgs. 34 124. Egyptian Art —Pgs. 95 228. Mussolini —Pgs. 157
21. Ajanta —Pgs. 34 125. Electro Magnetic Fields —Pgs. 96 229. Nankana Sahib —Pgs. 158
22. Akshardham —Pgs. 35 126. Elizabeth I —Pgs. 96 230. Napoleon Bonaparte —Pgs. 159
23. Alaska —Pgs. 36 127. Energy Drinks —Pgs. 97 231. NATO —Pgs. 159
24. Alexander Graham Bell —Pgs. 36 128. Environmental Pollution —Pgs. 98 232. Nebula —Pgs. 160
25. Alexander the Great —Pgs. 37 129. Equatorial Ocean —Pgs. 98 233. Nitrogen —Pgs. 161
26. Alfred Nobel —Pgs. 38 130. Eye Structure —Pgs. 99 234. Nylon v/s Cotton —Pgs. 161
27. All Men are Equal —Pgs. 38 131. Fast Food —Pgs. 99 235. Oceanic Environment —Pgs. 162
28. Al Qaida —Pgs. 39 132. Fatehpur Sikri —Pgs. 100 236. Ocean Pollution —Pgs. 162
29. Amazon River —Pgs. 39 133. Fauna and Flora —Pgs. 100 237. Olympic Games —Pgs. 163
30. American Cowboy —Pgs. 40 134. Fear —Pgs. 101 238. Organ Donation —Pgs. 164
31. Ancient Egypt Daily Life —Pgs. 40 135. Fiber Optic —Pgs. 102 239. Ozone Layer —Pgs. 164
32. Ancient Olympics —Pgs. 41 136. Fighting in Front of the Child —Pgs. 102 240. Pacific Ocean —Pgs. 165
33. Andaman Sea —Pgs. 41 137. Fingerprinting —Pgs. 103 241. Pain —Pgs. 166
34. Angkor Wat —Pgs. 42 138. Florence Nightingale —Pgs. 104 242. Panama Canal —Pgs. 166
35. Animal Cruelty —Pgs. 42 139. Forensic Sciences —Pgs. 104 243. Paryushana —Pgs. 167
36. Animation —Pgs. 43 140. Fossil Fuels —Pgs. 105 244. Penguins —Pgs. 167
37. Arabian Sea —Pgs. 44 141. Friend —Pgs. 105 245. Persian Gulf —Pgs. 168
38. Archimedes —Pgs. 44 142. Galileo Galilei —Pgs. 106 246. Petrochemicals —Pgs. 168
39. Arctic Ocean —Pgs. 45 143. Gambling —Pgs. 106 247. Philosophy of Education —Pgs. 169
40. Aristotle —Pgs. 45 144. Gases —Pgs. 107 248. Photography and Cameras —Pgs. 169
41. Assam —Pgs. 46 145. Genetic Engineering —Pgs. 108 249. Photosynthesis —Pgs. 170
42. Athletes as Role Models —Pgs. 47 146. Genghis Khan —Pgs. 108 250. Plastic Chemistry —Pgs. 171
43. Atlantic Ocean —Pgs. 47 147. Geography —Pgs. 109 251. Plastic Surgery —Pgs. 171
44. Atom Bomb —Pgs. 48 148. Geometry —Pgs. 110 252. Plate Tectonics —Pgs. 172
45. Aviation —Pgs. 49 149. George Washington —Pgs. 110 253. Platinum —Pgs. 173
46. Avoid Friends —Pgs. 49 150. Global Warming —Pgs. 111 254. Plato —Pgs. 173
47. Bacteria —Pgs. 50 151. Globalisation —Pgs. 112 255. Polar Bear —Pgs. 173
48. Bad Habits —Pgs. 50 152. Gold —Pgs. 112 256. Polio Vaccine —Pgs. 174
49. Bad Manners —Pgs. 51 153. Gravity —Pgs. 113 257. Potassium —Pgs. 175
50. Baking Powder —Pgs. 51 154. Great White Sharks —Pgs. 114 258. Pre-computer —Pgs. 175
51. Baltic Sea —Pgs. 51 155. Greenhouse Effect —Pgs. 114 259. Pyramids —Pgs. 176
52. Baseball —Pgs. 52 156. Gulliver’s Travels —Pgs. 115 260. Pythagoras —Pgs. 176
53. Bay of Bengal —Pgs. 52 157. Gutka —Pgs. 116 261. Qualities of a Leader —Pgs. 177
54. Bering Sea —Pgs. 53 158. Hackers —Pgs. 116 262. Rabies —Pgs. 177
55. Berlin Wall —Pgs. 53 159. Hardware and Software —Pgs. 117 263. Radioactivity —Pgs. 178
56. Bhimtal Lake —Pgs. 54 160. Hawa Mahal —Pgs. 118 264. Rain Forest —Pgs. 178
57. Big Bang —Pgs. 54 161. Heart —Pgs. 118 265. Red Sea —Pgs. 179
58. Bigfoot —Pgs. 55 162. Herbal Medicine —Pgs. 119 266. River Nile —Pgs. 179
59. Bill Gates —Pgs. 56 163. History of BMW —Pgs. 119 267. Role of Mother —Pgs. 180
60. Biotechnology —Pgs. 56 164. Homer —Pgs. 120 268. Rutherford —Pgs. 181
61. Bismuth —Pgs. 57 165. Horoscopes —Pgs. 121 269. Salt in Our Diet —Pgs. 181
62. Black Holes —Pgs. 57 166. Hot Air Ballooning —Pgs. 121 270. Search Engines —Pgs. 182
63. Black Sea —Pgs. 58 167. How Bees Make Honey —Pgs. 122 271. Smokey Haze —Pgs. 183
64. Blood Types —Pgs. 59 168. How I Spend My Free Time —Pgs. 122 272. Socrates and Wisdom —Pgs. 183
65. Bollywood v/s Hollywood —Pgs. 59 169. How to Make a Web Page —Pgs. 123 273. Solar Eclipse —Pgs. 184
66. Bomb on Japan —Pgs. 60 170. Hubble Telescope —Pgs. 123 274. South China Sea —Pgs. 184
67. Bones —Pgs. 60 171. Human Brain —Pgs. 124 275. Southern Ocean —Pgs. 184
68. Bonsai Trees —Pgs. 61 172. Humphrey Davy —Pgs. 124 276. Sri Lanka —Pgs. 185
69. Boston Tea Party —Pgs. 61 173. Hurricanes —Pgs. 125 277. Taj Mahal —Pgs. 186
70. Brain and Mind —Pgs. 62 174. Hydrogen —Pgs. 126 278. Tattoo —Pgs. 186
71. British in India —Pgs. 63 175. Hypnotism-Hypnosis —Pgs. 126 279. TCP/IP —Pgs. 187
72. Buddha and His Teachings —Pgs. 63 176. I Love Sleep —Pgs. 127 280. The Great Barrier Reef —Pgs. 188
73. Buddhism —Pgs. 64 177. Indian Ocean —Pgs. 128 281. The Moon —Pgs. 188
74. Bullfighting —Pgs. 65 178. Indus Valley —Pgs. 129 282. The Sun —Pgs. 189
75. Burkina Faso —Pgs. 65 179. Inside the Human Mind —Pgs. 129 283. The Two Parts of Our Brain —Pgs. 189
76. Buy a Computer —Pgs. 66 180. Intel —Pgs. 130 284. Thermometer —Pgs. 190
77. Camera Techniques —Pgs. 67 181. Internet —Pgs. 130 285. Tides —Pgs. 191
78. Caribbean Sea —Pgs. 67 182. Internet Cookies —Pgs. 131 286. Titanic —Pgs. 191
79. Cartoons —Pgs. 67 183. Ionic and Molecular Compounds —Pgs. 132 287. Tsunami —Pgs. 192
80. Cause of World War I —Pgs. 68 184. Isaac Newton —Pgs. 132 288. Tutankhamen —Pgs. 192
81. Causes of Crime —Pgs. 69 185. James Cook —Pgs. 133 289. Ultrasound —Pgs. 193
82. Charles Babbage —Pgs. 69 186. James Watt —Pgs. 134 290. Uranium —Pgs. 194
83. Charles Darwin —Pgs. 70 187. Japan Ocean —Pgs. 134 291. Vasco da Gama —Pgs. 194
84. Chickenpox —Pgs. 71 188. Journey of Light —Pgs. 134 292. Venus —Pgs. 195
85. Chihuahua —Pgs. 72 189. Julius Caesar —Pgs. 135 293. Victoria Falls —Pgs. 196
86. Child Labour —Pgs. 72 190. Jupiter —Pgs. 136 294. Video Games and Children —Pgs. 196
87. China —Pgs. 73 191. Jupiter’s Red Spot —Pgs. 136 295. Vitamin K —Pgs. 197
88. Chlorine —Pgs. 73 192. Kara Sea —Pgs. 137 296. Walt Disney —Pgs. 198
89. Christopher Columbus —Pgs. 74 193. Karl Marx —Pgs. 137 297. Wants and Needs —Pgs. 198
90. Cleopatra —Pgs. 75 194. Karma —Pgs. 138 298. Water Conservation —Pgs. 199
91. Clones —Pgs. 75 195. Kepler —Pgs. 139 299. Water is Essential to Life —Pgs. 199
92. Clouds —Pgs. 76 196. KGB —Pgs. 139 300. Watergate —Pgs. 200
93. Coca Cola —Pgs. 77 197. Kidneys —Pgs. 140 301. We can’t Make Water —Pgs. 201
94. Coffee —Pgs. 77 198. King Arthur —Pgs. 140 302. What is an Egg? —Pgs. 201
95. Cold War —Pgs. 78 199. Kremlin —Pgs. 141 303. Wind Energy —Pgs. 202
96. College Degree —Pgs. 79 200. Kublai Khan —Pgs. 142 304. Wrestling —Pgs. 203
97. Colour Blindness —Pgs. 79 201. Kumbh Mela —Pgs. 142 305. X-rays —Pgs. 203
98. Comets —Pgs. 80 202. Lake Assail —Pgs. 143 306. Yellow Sea —Pgs. 204
99. Computer Crime —Pgs. 80 203. Lake Baikal —Pgs. 143 307. Yoga —Pgs. 204
100. Computer Network —Pgs. 81 204. Lasers —Pgs. 144 308. Zen —Pgs. 205
101. Confucius —Pgs. 81 205. Lasik Eye Surgery —Pgs. 144 309. Zoology —Pgs. 206
102. Coral Reef —Pgs. 82 206. LCD Monitor —Pgs. 145  

The Author

Harish Dutt Sharma

Freelance author having ten  books  to  his  credit; specializes  in  biography writing and books on language development skills.

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