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Skill Development In India(PB)   


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Author Dr. M.B. Gururaj , Dr. B. Ramaswamy , Dr. R. Sasikala Pushpa
  • ISBN : 9789353222802
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1st
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  • Kindle Store

More Information

  • Dr. M.B. Gururaj , Dr. B. Ramaswamy , Dr. R. Sasikala Pushpa
  • 9789353222802
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1st
  • 2019
  • 196
  • Soft Cover



About the Authors —Pgs.iii

Acronyms —Pgs.vii

Chapter: 1 Education and Skill Development for 21st Century —Pgs.1

Chapter: 2  Skill India – Kaushal Bharat- Kushal Bharat —Pgs.13

Chapter: 3  Skill Development: An  Introductory Overview —Pgs.27

Chapter: 4  Indian Economy: Present Challenges and Future Outlook —Pgs..53

Chapter: 5 The Role of Micro and Small Industries for Promotion of Employment  Generation in India —Pgs..61

Chapter: 6 Role of ‘Start Up’ and ‘Stand Up’ in Employment and Self-Employment in New India —Pgs.67

Chapter: 7 Atal Tinkering Labs Igniting India’s School Children —Pgs.77

Chapter: 8 Role of an NGO in the Field of Skill Development —Pgs.85

Chapter: 9 Modi’s achievements on Employment —Pgs..Opportunities in India —Pgs.91

Chapter: 10 Role of Urban Economic Development  —Pgs.and Urban Policy of India: —Pgs..Challenges and Opportunities —Pgs.99

Chapter: 11 Inclusive Policies and Affirmative Action —Pgs.109

Chapter: 12 Entrepreneurship Education and Skilling —Pgs..Entrepreneurs —Pgs.121

Chapter: 13 Conclusion and Recommendation —Pgs.131

Glossary of Terms —Pgs.143

FAQs —Pgs.155

Bibliography —Pgs.179

The Author

Dr. M.B. Gururaj

Dr.M.B. Gururaj is a well known Human Resource Specialist, Educator, Unique Trainer in STEM & Employability Education. Earlier he was Head of the various organizations & institutions in public and private sector in India and abroad. He has attained experience and exposure in the areas of Business Development, HR, Training and Organizational Development. Currently, PRESIDENT NATIONAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION (NEF) USA & STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, PRESIDENT NATIONAL EDUCATION FOUNDATION INDLA (NEF) & GLOBAL, STEM GLOBAL ACADEMY INDIA and US.ADVISOR NATIONAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (NSDC) INDIA.


Dr. B. Ramaswamy

Dr. B. Ramaswamy is a well-known Social Scientist, Educator, Author & Motivator. Till recently, he was Pro-Vice Chancellor of APG Shimla University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Currently he is Legal Advisor to Members of Parliament He is Member - Divisional Railway Users' Consultative Committee (DRUCC) on Railways of Chennai Division. Govt of India. He is visiting Member to the Centre of IT and Social Science, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT). Member - Doctoral Advisory Committee, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (HIIT) Delhi. It is a research-oriented university. ACADEMIC ADVISOR - Bon Secours - College for Women- TANJORE (TN) (A GRADE BY NAAC) affiliated to the Bharathidasan University. He has obtained all his qualifications from the reputed institutions and universities such as Loyola College, Delhi School of Economics, etc. Apart from his exemplary achievements in the field of Sociology, academically and professionally, he has several other qualifications and professional achievements in the fields of Disaster Management, Journalism and Mass Communication, Human Rights, IPR, Cyber Law, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Vedic Culture, Leadership, Issues of Women and Children, Disability Studies etc. He holds a Doctorate in Sociology from Singhania University, Honorary Doctorate from Cosmopolitan University, USA,& Inter American University of Humanistic Studies, Florida, USA, in the field of Social Science. He was also awarded Honorary Doctorate on Humanities in Apostolic International University, affiliated with and accredited by International Institute of Church Management Inc., Florida, USA. He has guided M. Phil. and Ph.D. scholars on his competent areas. He is a Visiting Fellow, Advisor, Member in several prestigious Institutions both in Government and Private such as IIT Roorkee, YASHADA, Raj Bhawan, Pune and NIPCCD, Govt. of India, Delhi. He has published more than 250 articles/ books both in National and International magazines/publication of repute. He continues to write articles to leading magazines and newspapers. Being a renowned Social Scientist, he is an invited Speaker to deliver key note addresses and Chief Guest to various functions, seminars, national and international conferences, Convocations and workshops. He travelled to more than 19 countries to deliver various areas of lectures. He motivates large number of youth including the school children. He makes tremendous impact while delivering each lecture which brings tremendous mind transformation to the youth of India towards nation building. He holds important positions in Government viz Member, Maintenance Tribunal Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act 2007. He also worked as Deputy Chief Warden-Civil Defence Corps. Delhi and as Director in very many Institutions and Private bodies. He was an acting Chairperson, Child Welfare Committee, Government of NCT, Delhi - A bench of Magistrates constituted under section 29 of Juvenile Justice. Being an expert Social Scientist and Educationist, he is interviewed regularly by the various electronic media, TV channels and Press. His passion is directed towards our Nation Building through Quality Education especially to those who are deprived of Quality education. He has so far produced more than over 1000 civil service officers in the country.

Dr. R. Sasikala Pushpa

Dr. R. Sasikala Pushpa has been the Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha). She completed her B.A. (English Literature) from University of Madras, Chennai and M.A. (Public Administration) from University of Madras, Chennai. She has also done Diploma in Business Administration from the Southern Cross University, Singapore. Her Ph.D. in Public Administration is from Manonmaniyam Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu.
She has been an ardent political and social worker, teacher and educationist. Earlier, she served as the Mayor of Thoothukudi Corporation, Tamil Nadu. She also held positions like: Member, Parliament Committee on Human Resource Development (MHRD); Member, Parliament Committee of Privileges; and Member, Parliament Committee of Women and Children at national level. 

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