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Social Harmony (PB)   


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Author Narendra Modi
  • ISBN : 9789350489819
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1
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  • Narendra Modi
  • 9789350489819
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1
  • 2016
  • 248
  • Soft Cover


Prime Minister Narendra Modi went through different stages of life, but his thoughts and actions have always been consistent. The strong flow of feelings towards society and social harmony has been flowing continuously in his heart. He has a unique vision and approach towards society. His radical thought extends to his social dealings too and his focus is always on the happiness of the common man.
Narendra Bhai has always worked untiringly for equality, love and harmony. His persona signifies consistency in thoughts, beliefs and lifestyle. He is intensely focused on finding measures to eradicate sorrows from the lives of the deprived and persecuted.
The concept of a welfare state which gives the highest priority to the well-being and happiness of its people has long been advocated by our Indian culture. The true measure of the progress of any state is the extent of progress achieved by the underprivileged. True development is that which brings the fruits of happiness even to the last person in the remotest backward area.
This book is a compilation of the articles written by Shri Narendra Modi which shows his love for the under-privileged, his endeavour to share in their joys and sorrows, the excellence of his thought processes and his sensitivity towards the society.



Preface — 7

The Social Responsibility of Shri Narendra Modi — 11

1. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: The Revolutionary Social — Reformer — 23

2. Harmony Instead of Strife — 38

3. Rakshabandhan: The Unbroken Bond — 46

4. The Clarion Call of Revolution — 58

5. Van Bandhu Kalyan Yojna: Not Empty Promises but — a Functional Approach — 60

6. Service to the Progeny of Shabaridham — 65

7. In the Service of the Forest Regions — 69

8. The Bravery of the Forest People — 72

9. A Harmonious Village: A Journey towards Belonging — and Prosperity — 75

10. O that I might have a House of My Own! — 86

11. What a Brother Desires from His Sister — 91

12. Mother, Let Me Enter This World — 96

13. Woman Power Leads to the Survival of Social Life — 101

14. Women Empowerment: Empowering the Family — 105

15. Touching the Chords of the Heart — 108

16. Woman: The Source of Energy for Our Social System — 111

17. The Land of Virtues — 113

18. Education for Both: Sons and Daughters — 117

19. Healthy Child and Happy Gujarat — 123

20. Duty, Not Pity for the Handicapped — 128

21. Empathy, Not Sympathy — 131

22. To Serve is the Grace of God — 133

23. Experiencing the Emotions — 136

24. A Feeling of Belongingness — 138

25. Creating a Healthy Society — 140

26. On the Path of Mahatma Gandhi’s Teachings — 142

27. Our Elders: Our Social Strength — 146

28. Service: A Process of Our Culture — 148

29. All Workers are a Family — 151

30. Shining Villages — 154

31. Happy Villages can Make the Nation Prosperous — 158

32. E-gram: The World Village — 161

33. Public Partnership: The Secret of Success — 164

34. Glimpse of the Strength of People and State — 167

35. Shrines of Hard Work — 169

36. The Spirit of Family in Business — 171

37. Kite Flying: An Attempt Towards Social Bonding — 177

38. From the Market to the Heart — 181

39. Manual Workers: Assets for the Society — 186

40. Equal Opportunity for Everyone — 190

41. The Foundation of Social Progress — 192

42. A Stick in One Hand and a Pen in Another — 195

43. Education will Lead to a Social Revolution — 197

44. A Tradition of Bravery — 201

45. The Devipujak Community –Worshipping the — Goddess — 204

46. Change in Social Constructs — 207

47. Group Weddings: A Novel Revolution — 210

48. If a Snake can be Tamed, Why can’t a Son? — 213

49. Poor Welfare Fair: Service to Humanity — 216

50. Bridge for Harmony: Narendra Modi — 239

The Author

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi has become a ray of hope for 125 crore Indians—from a humble farmer to an ambitious industrialist—having taken the route to good governance after being sworn as India’s Prime Minister in May 2014. His concern for common Indian can be 
seen in all his actions and he is committed to the upliftment of weaker sections of the society. He has been writing since he was young and is a poet, orator, conversationalist and harbinger of Indianness. 
The game-changer of Indian politics, Modi had taken the mesmeric hold over Gujarat masses with three consecutive victories in the state assembly elections and was a senior campaign adviser drawing unprecedented crowds for Lok Sabha 2014 elections. After getting elected PM, Modi is often echoed in 24×7 Breaking News on media channels and enjoys good rapport with the top world leaders whom he visited during his six months of Prime Minister-ship. His initiatives like ‘Make in India’ and ‘Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan’ have been widely lauded. Modi has called for innovative effort to make renewable energy, especially solar energy, competitive with conventional energy and pitched for global cooperation on repatriation of black money.

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