"Evil does not quit. It bides its time, plotting vengeance. After the harrowing battles for Gora Pathaal and the Great Circular hall, a temporary victory offers brief respite to the immortal, Aswathaman and the Demi-God, Shatru.
It won't last long.
Even before the celebrations came to an end, dangers begin to blot the horizon. The Spear Prophecies predict dark times ahead. Trigund the Anomaly has returned from the dead with a greater threat to the fourteen worlds of power.
The mighty Asura king, resurrected in a human, has dealt a death blow to Indra, king of the Devas, in order to break the fragile alliance of the Gods.
The prison eternal is facing its greatest threat yet as evil seeks the key to its most powerful lock. The master puppeteer, Kali, the lord of Kaliyug, is all but ready to break free. He can taste victory.
A thin line of defence is all that stands against overwhelming odds. Is it enough to protect the Song of the Trinity?"