"The current edition of the book “SSC Constable (GD) Male & Female ” which is organized by Staff Selection Commission every year to recruit candidates for the post of General Duty post of Constables (GD) in CAPFs (BSF, CISF, ITBP, SSB, SSF & Rifleman in Assam Rifle.
A Complete Study Guide with Practice Sets and Solved Papers
This book is designed to provide latest solved papers & 2 practices sets for intense practice of the major topics that are highly important for the exam.
It’s also covers multiple questions and answers with explanation
All the questions that are provided in the book are according to the nature and trends of examination. Besides 15 Practice Sets this book also has provided with 4 years’ Solved papers [2013, 2015, 2019 &2021] to give an insight of an actual Paper Moreover give an idea of the typical questions that are framed in the question paper that will prepare students for the exam.
Topics have been arranged exactly in accordance to the latest syllabus and pattern, so as to make it 100% convenient for aspirants.
(Computer based examination)
Part 1- General Intelligence & Reasoning
Part 2- General Knowledge & General Awareness
Part 3- Elementary Mathematics
Part 4- English
(Based On Latest Syllabus and Pattern)"