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Success-O-Dynamics: Beyond 8000 Stepwalks…   

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Author Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak
  • ISBN : 9789395386425
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : First Edition
  • ...more

More Information

  • Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak
  • 9789395386425
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • First Edition
  • 2023
  • 264
  • Soft Cover
  • 290 Grams


“Success is your birthright. Ensure no one snatches it.” With a vision of transforming the nation from ‘Good to Great’, the author has spearheaded a mission to inspire professionals, especially youth, to develop self-belief with a ‘Yes, I Can (YIC)’ attitude. Although he is a Post-doctorate in management and an alumnus of IIT Delhi, the author has taken inputs & suggestions from his son, a young manager in an MNC, making this book a good read for the younger generation. He is a visionary thought leader promoting Positivity, Growth, and Sustainable progress for the youth by following the MESH concept (Make Everyone Successful and Happy).  This book will be published in two volumes with three modules Self-Exploration, Self-Empowered, and Self-Actualization. This book is about Self-Exploration and will facilitate the readers to know and prepare themselves to ascend their Everest ‘Beyond 8000’, the first step in their Success journey. The other volume will guide readers on Self-Empowerment & Self-Actualization, leading to being an Achiever and Super-Achiever (Outlier).

The Author

Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak

Dr. Karnatak is Chairman & Managing Director of GAIL and has more than 37 years of leadership experience in managing and  executing  large  gas infrastructure Projects. He is also Chairperson of Centre of Excellence for Governance, Ethics and Transparency (CEGET) at United Nation’s Global Compact Network.
He has championed and introduced the idea of ‘Thinking Positive’ as a means for internal motivation and efficient delivery of projects. 
He has earlier authored books/articles on Oil & Gas and Self-development such as ‘Asian Gas Grid–A Critical analysis of its feasibility’, ‘Project Management of Hydrocarbon Pipelines–A Journey’, ‘Words Have Power’, ‘आप सफल कैसे हों’, ‘अपनी पर्सनैलिटी को पहचानें’ and ‘Yes You Can’. Moreover, he is actively associated with a non-Profit NGO ‘Plus approach Foundation’ as a Mentor. 
Dr. Karnatak is an ardent believer in positivity in letter and spirit and working actively towards his mission of PI-CI-PI (‘Positive India–Competent India– Projectised India’).
Follow him:
Twitter: @akarnatak 
Linkedin: Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak

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