The Sunrays series has been created by the perspiration and devotion of Priya & Sanjay Tandon and Inspiration from Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It aims at the transformation of the human heart and the gratification of the reader.
The biggest achievement for a book writer would perhaps be the number of copies sold. As far as the Sunrays series of books is concerned, success seems to be measured by the number of people who have been inspired to better themselves.
The authors’ mantra for life seems to be, to test each action on this touchstone-
“Will this rebound to HIS renown?”
B.Com. (Hons), FCA, AIIA, ACMA is a practising Chartered Accountant and is also the promoter of the Competent group of Companies based at Chandigarh. From the last six years he has been the State President of BJP Chandigarh. Inspired by Bhagwan Baba, he is doing many philanthropic activities under the banner of Competent Foundation whose motto is “Help ever, Hurt never”.
B.Com. (Hons), LLB is a stock broker and Director of Competent Finman Pvt. Ltd. (Member NSE, BSE, CDSL). She is actively involved in all the philanthropic activities of Competent Foundation. These include Bi-Annual Blood Donation Camps, weekly Narayan Seva (langar) at the local temple, aid to Cancer patients, publishing books etc.