Time and history have proved that among the modern India’s organisers of men and movements, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s Second Sarsanghchaalak Shri Guruji Golwalkar occupies a place in the topmost few. For more than three decades till his death, he, with no respite and rest, covered the entire length and breadth of this vast country on wheels, wings or legs with no unfortunate occasion to cancel any scheduled programme. Never in his life did he reach a programme late. With a diligent team as unfailing as himself, he built up the largest organisation of our times, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, with a very wide network. With an absolutely self-reliant structure and a unique working system evolved out of native genius, this organisation today is nothing short of a phenomenon; comparable only to itself.
Any inquisitive mind, candid and unprejudiced, would like very much to delve deep into the lives of men who built up such a movement. In case of Shri Guruji, the attention is bound to be more compelling due to the fact that here was person maligned and cursed all through by the powers that be; but who, despite them, unflinchingly and relentlessly, paced towards his cherished goal. Golwalkar was truly ‘Goal Walker’, come what may.
This is a comprehensive, well referenced biography of spiritual and social stalwart Shri Guruji that will inspire and motivate millions.
Preface — Pgs. 5
1. Golwalkar Family Tree — Pgs. 9
2. Shri Guruji’s Father — Pgs. 12
3. Mother and Son — Pgs. 15
4. Auspicious Start of Education — Pgs. 18
5. Student of Nagpur College — Pgs. 22
6. In the Lap of Kashi — Pgs. 25
7. Unfinished Research in Chennai — Pgs. 29
8. Churning of Ideas in Chennai — Pgs. 33
9. The Interregnum in Nagpur — Pgs. 38
10. Seventh-Generation Heir of Kashi Upadhyay reaches Kashi — Pgs. 41
11. Induction into Sangh at Kashi — Pgs. 46
12. In Search of a Guru — Pgs. 53
13. The Monk of Sargachhi — Pgs. 58
14. The Spiritual Seeker of Sargachhi — Pgs. 62
15. In August Company of Dr. Hedgewar — Pgs. 71
16. The Second Sarsanghchaalak — Pgs. 82
17. Unending Circumambulation — Pgs. 87
18. Challenge and Expansion — Pgs. 92
19. The Period During Country’s Partition — Pgs. 104
20. Blooming of Optimism and Thorns of Envy — Pgs. 116
21. Dissolution of an Outlawed Organisation — Pgs. 127
22. Glimpses of Life in Prison — Pgs. 135
23. In Delhi to Demand Justice — Pgs. 139
24. Successful Satyagraha — Pgs. 149
25. All is Well that Ends Well — Pgs. 169
26. Back to Sangh Grounds — Pgs. 187
27. Reaching Out to the Masses — Pgs. 195
28. On the Path of All-round Growth — Pgs. 202
29. Birthday Celebrations and Ayurveda Oil Treatment — Pgs. 213
30. Saffron in Brahmadesh/Myanmar — Pgs. 223
31. Actuator of a Dynamic Society — Pgs. 228
32. Construction of Smriti Mandir — Pgs. 234
33. Kushtha Nivaarak Sangh & Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram — Pgs. 243
34. Aggressive China and Affectionate Nepal — Pgs. 250
35. Following the Path of Swami Vivekananda — Pgs. 260
36. Prayag Religious Parliament — Pgs. 270
37. In Between Two Shashtipurti Celebrations — Pgs. 277
38. From the Banks of Kaveri to the Peak of Badri — Pgs. 284
39. Hindavah Sodarah Sarve — Pgs. 296
40. Cancer Patient with a Heart of Steel — Pgs. 306
41. Idealist Man of Action — Pgs. 320
42. Preparations for the Return — Pgs. 329
43. Last Intellectual Workshop, Last Diwali — Pgs. 339
44. Final Offering of Self-Sacrifice — Pgs. 348
45. A Few Observations — Pgs. 360
Appendix-I — Pgs.
Physical Structure — Pgs. 365
Appendix-II — Pgs.
Glossary of Terms used in Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh — Pgs. 367
Shri Ranga Hariji is a senior Prachaarak and highly respected thinker of RSS. He was in jail in Kerala from December 1948 to April 1949 in Central Jail as a satyagrahi demanding lifting of the ban on RSS. He became a Prachaarak in 1951 after finishing his graduation in Kochi. Hariji was the Prant Prachaarak of Kerala from 1983 to 1994; Akhil Bharatiya Saha-bauddhik Pramukh in 1990 and Akhil Bharatiya Bauddhik Pramukh from 1991 to 2005. He was a guide and consultant to Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh in Asia and Australia from 1994 to 2005. He has travelled 22 countries across 5 continents. He participated in the World Conference of Pre-Christian Religions and Tradition in Lithuania 2001 and later in India in 2005 and 2006. He was a member of Akhil Bharatiya Karyakaari Mandal of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh till 2006. Now, 87 year old Hariji has retired from day-to-day work and devotes his time to writing and giving lectures when health allows.
Hariji has excellent knowledge of Malayalam, Sanskrit, Hindi, Konkani, Marathi, Tamil and English. He is a prolific writer and has written 20 books in Malayalam, 8 in Hindi and one in Konkani.He has also compiled three books in Malayalam and one huge collection of Shri Guruji’s works—‘Shri Guruji Samagra’ in Hindi in 12 Volumes. He has translated one book from English, six books from Marathi, two from Sanskrit and one from Hindi to Malayalam. He has written the biography of Shri Guruji in Hindi. We are presenting here the English translation of this highly acclaimed biography.