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Transformation through ‘Thinking’ Positive   


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Author Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak
  • ISBN : 9789353227531
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1
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  • Kindle Store

More Information

  • Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak
  • 9789353227531
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1
  • 2020
  • 240
  • Hard Cover
  • 300 Grams


Positive is one of the basic requisites for living a good and fulfilling life.
With this book, I have tried to touch upon the idea of Thinking Positive and how it may lead to the development of a positive society, positive India and a positive universe as a whole. The book is intended to help employ a positive approach, not only in professional life but in day-to-day life as well. The intention to bring out this book is to disseminate positive thinking among the masses so that they can face the challenges of this competitive world happily and without stress. 
The book intends to take the reader to a journey to reinvent self to think in a positive manner in all circumstances.
‘A time has come to develop Generation (P3) i.e. Positive, Proactive & Progressive required for sustainable development of the country.’
—Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak



Foreword —Pgs. 7

Introduction —Pgs. 11

1. Power of Thinking Positive —Pgs. 17

2. Negative Thinking —Pgs. 31

Negative Thinking and Its Impact —Pgs. 33

Negative Thoughts Cause Mental Corrosion —Pgs. 39

Are You a Positive or Negative Thinker? —Pgs. 45

3. Positivity —Pgs. 51

Doctrine of Positivity  —Pgs. 53

Gandhiji’s Formula for Positivity —Pgs. 56

Hanuman Syndrome —Pgs. 61

Mental Positivism —Pgs. 65

Scientific Aspects of Positivity  —Pgs. 72

4. Transformation Journey —Pgs. 81

Positive winning Personality —Pgs. 83

Winning Personality Attributes —Pgs. 89

A step towards Thinking Positive —Pgs. 93

Power of Magnetic Positive Words  —Pgs. 109

Delta Transformation —Pgs. 119

Thinking Patterns —Pgs. 125

Transformation in a 21-Day Therapy —Pgs. 139

Transformation-Negative to Positive Thinking —Pgs. 155

5. Real life experiences of Thinking Positive —Pgs. 165

6. My experiences on Positive thoughts —Pgs. 195

7. Our Vision on Positivity —Pgs. 217

8. Inspiring Positive Quotes —Pgs. 225

The Author

Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak

Dr. Karnatak is Chairman & Managing Director of GAIL and has more than 37 years of leadership experience in managing and  executing  large  gas infrastructure Projects. He is also Chairperson of Centre of Excellence for Governance, Ethics and Transparency (CEGET) at United Nation’s Global Compact Network.
He has championed and introduced the idea of ‘Thinking Positive’ as a means for internal motivation and efficient delivery of projects. 
He has earlier authored books/articles on Oil & Gas and Self-development such as ‘Asian Gas Grid–A Critical analysis of its feasibility’, ‘Project Management of Hydrocarbon Pipelines–A Journey’, ‘Words Have Power’, ‘आप सफल कैसे हों’, ‘अपनी पर्सनैलिटी को पहचानें’ and ‘Yes You Can’. Moreover, he is actively associated with a non-Profit NGO ‘Plus approach Foundation’ as a Mentor. 
Dr. Karnatak is an ardent believer in positivity in letter and spirit and working actively towards his mission of PI-CI-PI (‘Positive India–Competent India– Projectised India’).
Follow him:
Twitter: @akarnatak 
Linkedin: Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak

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