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Words Have Power   


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Author Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak
  • ISBN : 9788184302547
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1
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More Information

  • Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak
  • 9788184302547
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1
  • 2013
  • 128
  • Hard Cover


WORDS HAVE POWER is a self-help book that recognizes the importance of words in one’s life. Positive words are the raw material fed to the mind that processes it to produce the final product in the form of behavior and actions. The good material has to go through many stages and processes to become a great one, but the material that is itself flawed in the first place can never produce the first-class outcome. Therefore, it is very important to think, use and spread positive words or self-affirmations to lay a strong foundation on which your future life is built on. Each of the 26 English alphabets mentioned in this book stands for the 26 attributes that should be inculcated in the behavior. The word-list is not all encompassing but certainly diverse and indicative of most of the desirable qualities needed to lead a successful and fulfilling life. At the end of the book are some stories that are interesting as well as inspirational. Though the people of any age can gain by reading this book, but children and youngsters can find it particularly useful for their self-development.

The Author

Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak

Dr. Karnatak is Chairman & Managing Director of GAIL and has more than 37 years of leadership experience in managing and  executing  large  gas infrastructure Projects. He is also Chairperson of Centre of Excellence for Governance, Ethics and Transparency (CEGET) at United Nation’s Global Compact Network.
He has championed and introduced the idea of ‘Thinking Positive’ as a means for internal motivation and efficient delivery of projects. 
He has earlier authored books/articles on Oil & Gas and Self-development such as ‘Asian Gas Grid–A Critical analysis of its feasibility’, ‘Project Management of Hydrocarbon Pipelines–A Journey’, ‘Words Have Power’, ‘आप सफल कैसे हों’, ‘अपनी पर्सनैलिटी को पहचानें’ and ‘Yes You Can’. Moreover, he is actively associated with a non-Profit NGO ‘Plus approach Foundation’ as a Mentor. 
Dr. Karnatak is an ardent believer in positivity in letter and spirit and working actively towards his mission of PI-CI-PI (‘Positive India–Competent India– Projectised India’).
Follow him:
Twitter: @akarnatak 
Linkedin: Dr. Ashutosh Karnatak

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